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  • #1093434

    Hi – I have used added this code to my function.php file to add social icons to flyout mobile menu – which it did- but I want the icons lined up horizontally across the bottom of the flout menu. I’ve tried several code snippets but am not having any luck. I am using the latest version of Enfold. Thanks of any help you can give! Anna

    // add social icons inside the mobile menu
    function ava_custom_script_mod_social(){
    var int = ”;
    function a() {
    var isMobile = $(‘.av-burger-menu-main’).css(‘display’),
    htmlString = $(‘#header_main .social_bookmarks’).find(‘li a’),
    mobileMenu = $(‘.av-burger-overlay’),
    socialString = [];

    if(isMobile == ‘none’) return;
    if($(‘.burger-social’).length) clearInterval(int);

    htmlString.each(function() {
    var socialClass = $(this).parent(‘li’).attr(‘class’),
    socialItems = $(this).wrap(‘<li class=”‘+ socialClass + ‘ av-active-burger-items burger-social”></div>’).parent().unwrap();

    $(socialString).each(function() {

    $(‘#header’).on(‘mousedown’, ‘.av-main-nav-wrap’, function() {
    int = setInterval(function() {
    }, 500);

    add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘ava_custom_script_mod_social’);


    Hey annameis,

    Please try the following css:

    #top #wrap_all #header #av-burger-menu-ul > li.av-active-burger-items.burger-social {
        width: 24vw;
        float: left;

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria – I added that to the CSS but no luck…any other thoughts?




    Did you add the code to the very top of quick css so it runs first? Also, be sure to clear the cache a few times over.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi – I did not have it at the top…so I moved it and cleared the cache….but it still is in a vertical line. Any other ideas?

    Thank you!


    Hi Anna,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,

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