Tagged: tab
Dear Sir,
It would be great if you could implement this small modification on your plugin, which is explained in the attached screenshot.
I need this functionality to implement some jquery events once user do “click” on a div element, which belong to this “tabs table” that is created by your plugin. Please see the detailed explanation in this link: http://iiemd.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/problem.png
¿Can you tell me how can i implement it in enfold?
Thank you in advance and looking forward to hear from you,
Ricardo Suarez Caballero
Hey RicardoSuarez!
Edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > tabs.php, find this code on line 253″
$output .= ' <div data-fake-id="#'.$tab_atts['custom_id'].'" class="tab '.$titleClass.'" '.$markup_title.'>'.$icon.$tab_atts['title'].'</div>'."\n";
Replace it with:
$output .= ' <div id="#'.$tab_atts['custom_id'].'" data-fake-id="#'.$tab_atts['custom_id'].'" class="tab '.$titleClass.'" '.$markup_title.'>'.$icon.$tab_atts['title'].'</div>'."\n";
Best regards,