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  • #801761

    Hi all . we havre been working on enfold for our Organization site and suddenly it is loading so slow.
    would any one mind having a look for me.


    Chris Riordan

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by criordan.

    Hey Chris,

    1. Optimize all images with AI/Photoshop before uploading to server ‘save as web safe’ jpg.

    2. Once all images are on the website, optimize with www optimizer plugin twice 1hr 10mins apart.

    3. Install wp-smushit run once to remove jpeg extra data then uninstall.

    4. Use BWP minify plugin to minify scripts and stylesheets, you can also use W3 Total Cache’s minify settings but we use BWP for Enfold.

    5. Install W3 Total Cache or WP-Super cache, select all recommended settings.

    6. Log out your website, visit every page at least once to create super cache files.

    7. Join Cloudflare setup your website on their CDN, Choose options: Full CDN Optimisation save then activate purge files. Once done log out.

    8. Have a cup of coffee.

    9. Visit your site after 20 minutes or so.

    10. Don’t forget to smile.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

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