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  • #686266

    Hi Support,

    Please look at my site and tell me why it is loading so slowly. is there a plugin causing this?


    Hey craig_corfield,

    You can see a full rundown of what is being loaded on the link private. As for plugin performance I can recommend a plugin called P3 by GoDaddy.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thank you for the response, please can you elaborate as my site was lower than 13% of tested sites… Which is obviously a concern.



    The 13% thing will vary with the test variable so I wouldn’t take that too seriously. Half of what is loaded on your site is images, so a first step would be to try to compress sizes. You can do that with software on your computer or WP Smush for instance:

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I have asked my hosting team why my site is slow as the image size really is small and the total page size is small as well. They have advised that my site was hacked and advised me to contact my theme developers as you guys would be able to check this.

    Please can you check my site.

    Regards Craig


    Hi Craig,

    Ok, we will need some more information then; what file was compromised and in what way? What were the results of the hack (what functionality etc. stopped working/was added). Any and as much information you have on how the hack was executed and what the result of it was in short.

    If you need help cleaning your site I would recommend that you contact Sucuri:

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    unfortunately i don’t know everything that was compromised. there was a file named kurd on my file manager that said hacked by some name. Then the hosting support advised me that the entire database is filled with unusual lines that they are not familiar with wordpress sites.

    I understand that sucuri may be the best option but $300 a year is ridiculous… especially since that is R4500.00 to me. Is there something else?

    Regards Craig


    Hi Craig,

    No problem, lets try to get to the bottom of this anyway. Could you give a few examples of the unusual database entries? The theme itself adds quite a few and so do various plugins so it might just be that the hosting hasn’t seen entries like that before.

    Sucuri is good but I guess they’re a bit pricey yes, in my experience you get what you pay for though. Not sure if they have a one time clean or something like that? If that is not an option for you I would suggest you go through their post hack checklist:

    Best regards,

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