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  • #200865


    I have a site that is using the fullwidth sliders a lot. What is happening is that after the first rotation, one of the images automagically shortens in height about 20px. I cannot figure out how to keep it from doing it, and why it’s doing it.

    It is a password protected site so I don’t want to post the URL publicly. Can’t see how to do a private message…

    Thanks for your help…


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    I’m sorry but the password is incorrect. Please check.


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    This reply has been marked as private.

    I think you got it. I’ll do some more testing tomorrow, but it’s looking good. Thanks! Any more details on what you did would be appreciated :-)


    Commented from line 2115 to 2126:

    			/*if(this.options.bg_slider == true) return;
    			var self    = this,
    				setTo   = Math.floor(this.$slides.eq(this.current).height()),
    				current	= Math.floor(this.$sliderUl.height());
    				this.$sliderUl.height(current); //make sure to set the slideheight to an actual value
    				if(setTo != current)


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