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  • #1084736

    How can I change the slider and heading titles to upper and lower case. In all upper case it looks like I’m shouting at people – not what we want in our marketing. Can you please let me know how to change that?


    Hello CC-1,
    you have to inspect the element with the browser inspector and then give it the attribute
    text-transform: none;

    Or you can use the enfold theme options, “advanced styling”, and change “All Headings (H1-H6) ” to text transform: none.

    Best Regards


    Hi CC-1,

    Please post a link to where we can see the element in question if you haven’t already fixed it.

    Best regards,



    You can set the text transform to none for all header under Enfold->Advanced Styling. You can also try to use this in Quick CSS:

    .avia-caption-title {

    Best regards,

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