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  • #666675

    It seems that any <div> after the slider loses the ability to become responsive. The media query that is supposed to add “.responsive” to the flex_columns and turn off float, etc. under certain screen widths is applied to the <div>’s above the slider but not below the slider. When I remove the slider from the page, then all the <div>’s behave as expected.

    I am working on the two following pages.
    Content is nearly identical and so it should help illustrate and troubleshoot, I hope. (See private content section for links to our staging site)


    Seem to have found a solution:

    Embedding the shortcode into a code block rather than a text block did the trick.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by kimpomares.


    Happy you did.
    Please do let us know if we can do anything lse for you, we would be more than happy to assist you further.


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