Hi I’m currently trying to use the dynamic content feature for Layer Slider. (Built in with Enfold Theme)
Example slide 1: Layer 1: [title] Layer 2: [excerpt]<p>Read more</p>
Example slide 2: Layer 1: [title] Layer 2: [excerpt]<p>Read more</p>
In the preview I can see title excerpt and the link but on the live site the excerpt and link is missing. I can’t find it in the code either…
See screen-shots: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5x34dc0r7q39fgg/Screenshot%202015-02-26%2013.09.46.png?dl=0 and https://www.dropbox.com/s/t5bj5c15en3hfqn/Screenshot%202015-02-26%2013.11.07.png?dl=0
I put a test on http://shopscandinavian.se (slider 2) And the link to the slide export, https://www.dropbox.com/s/8z0t1tiwiirx6sp/LayerSlider_Export_2015-03-19_at_14.20.35.zip?dl=0
Any idea why?
Its solved…
The combination of shortcode and html seams to break it….
When I removed this:
<p><a href="[post-url]">Read more</a></p>
it worked. So something on the frontend did it…