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  • #760924

    Currently the Easy Slider (and I assume full width also) are setting sizes based on width when displaying. So if I load an image that is 1000×500 and a second image of 1000×1000 the first image shows and when the second image appears all content below is pushed down to accommodate for the additional 500px. This is proportional to the size available because if you place the easy slider in a 3/5 section it will display according to the width available which is different than a 1/1 section.

    Is there a way to change the priority to the height so that the content below the slider doesn’t move? What I have been doing is taking the square image and adding width and saving as a PNG with transparency so the images don’t push down the content.

    More in Private Content


    Hey MichaelAlbany,

    Normally, by design images for sliders are made of the same size. Even if the image will not push the content down, it might overlay and cover content. What’s the point?

    You can try to put a gallery on a different layer, above or below with LayerSlider WP.

    Let us know if you have any more questions.
    Best regards,


    The point is that on many of the sites I build, they are for photographers and they need varying image sizes so that an image only needs to be loaded once. When exporting from Lightroom for example, the images are usually exported as say 1500px on the longest side. This means that images in a landscape orientation will have a different height than those with portrait orientation. When these images are loaded into a slider the content below is moving constantly. Irritating for the visitor, hence increased bounce rates.

    Also very often images are not the same size, in fact they are rarely the same size by default. This is a major issue for photographers wanting to include what is called Tear Sheets along with actual ads and product images. Tear sheets are usually of an orientation of a full magazine page but images within the same publication are rarely a full page, even when they are in a portrait orientation.

    All of this leads to a compromise of cropping an image to less than optimum configuration. A simple solution to this is to have the sliders prioritize width over height rather than height over width as they do currently.

    I am not speaking about galleries, I am only talking about the sliders. Sliders are almost a requirement for creatives even though they may have a gallery further down the page and/or many galleries on other pages.

    So in short, the point is that if the variation of size is compensated horizontally rather than vertically this will make my job easier, and it will make your theme more attractive to photographers, painters, graphic artists, and a plethora of other creatives.


    Hi MichaelAlbany,

    I see, it’s a great use case, but unfortunately this is not something that can be done with a small snippet of code. You can hire a freelancer to make a custom slider for you or/and
    request this feature here.

    Let us know if you have any more questions.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Victoria.

    Feature requested.



    Thanks for that, much appreciated.

    Best regards,


    Requested. You can close this ticket



    Great, thanks for letting us know. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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