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  • #1158491

    Everything is up to date, all plugins have been deactivated to check.

    see here



    Product Activation: Not Activated
    Enter your purchase code:

    You promote Enfold with “LayerSlider included” and than this??
    What does that mean??


    “Couldnt load×576.jpg”
    Correct – this size is not on the server.
    But why does it call this size?
    Why does an update changes image sizes?
    The slider was there before the update.
    Noting has been changed except doing an update!



    You don’t need to activate the LayerSlider since it’s bundled with the theme, you can ignore that notice.

    I can see a LayerSlider on the front page, is the problem that you cannot edit it?

    Best regards,


    WHAT do you see???



    Could you please replace /enfold/js/avia-snippet-cookieconsent.js file with – in Appearance > Editor? If you would like us to do it for you, please post temporary admin logins here privately.

    Fix will be included in upcoming version :)

    Best regards,


    Done – NO CHANGES

    (what has the cookieconsent.js to do with my Layerslider??)



    Please see private for what I see on my end, is that correct or not?

    Best regards,


    What i see – in Firefox, Opera Chrome:

    And here (order is FF, Chrome, Opera) as a video:
    [video src="" /]

    YES – caches are cleared multiple times.
    Maybe you want to clear your cache also?!?



    I just checked in an incognito window on Chrome, private window using Opera and Safari, and I’m getting the same result in all of them. Your slider is showing fine.

    Best regards,


    No. It isnt.
    I checked it in the meantime on different computers, on several places (example Berlin, Bergneustadt, Nürnberg)

    Sometimes the slider works
    Sometimes it does not at all.
    Sometimes it shows the first slide and then it stops

    So, what do you want me to do?
    Send you a bunch of screencasts like i alredy did??



    So, what do you want me to do?

    I want you to tell us how we can reproduce the problem, I’ve checked your site on four different occasions now and the slider has worked every time. We can’t help you out unless we can see the actual problem.

    Best regards,


    So you think i lie, dream, hallucinate?
    [video src="" /]



    Try to calm down and put yourself in our shoes. How can we help you out if we can’t even reproduce the problem? Please see private.

    Best regards,


    At least 4 people from 4 different locations see:
    NO SLIDER! (sometimes yes, mostly not, sometimes only the first one)
    They do not dream!!

    What do you want me to do?
    Tell all these people to print my page and send the document via snailmail to you?
    [video src="" /]


    Here is a new video from 3 minutes ago:
    [video src="" /]

    – Watch the spinning wheel on the upper right
    – watch the twitching black line that indicates a new slider has arrived
    But in fact – NO IMAGES


    Hallo @MarcusJeroch,
    i just stumbled upon your thread because we actually also have issues with sliders.
    I had a look to your site and i can confirm that there is a slider, and there are slides but without content (just white pages).
    On our end the website looks exactly like in the screencast you posted.
    Hope you can fix it soon.

    Best regards


    1: see above the message from user digitalprint2222
    2: You want to give support but you didnt realize that there should be 3 slides but that there is only one and that the other 2 slides are EMPTY?????
    And then you complain when i get nerved??
    What about this solution?
    Just give substantial and correct support.
    Can you??


    I have taken a look at your slider and notice that at my full width screen (1536×864) your slide images are returning a 404, this is for all of the images that end with: (1920×576.jpg) such as: (willkommen-1920×576.jpg)
    But at a smaller screen width such as (1440×781) the images used are (willkommen.jpg)
    So when the layerslider is set to “ls-device-is-desktop” the images are 404’s
    I’m not sure your actual layerslider settings, perhaps you meant to use different sized images for different screen widths, or if this setting was automatically by layerslider, but if these images were there they would show.

    So, if you could include admin login in the Private Content area we could check your settings, or if you include ftp access we could ensure that the files were in the correct location.

    Best regards,


    Wow – finally someone looked into the issue.
    But in fact – i already know.
    In fact i already told you that on the 20th November / 03:43 pm – 3,5 WEEKS ago



    Please include an admin login & FTP access in the Private Content area so we can investigate.

    Best regards,


    Sorry, but GDPR does not allow me to give access to people i havent a data processing agreement with.
    Let me know what you need to support.
    Of what?



    Please export the layerslider to dropbox, or similar so we can import it on our localhost and test.

    Best regards,


    In private field


    Thank you, I imported the slider into my localhost and it works for all screen sizes, showing the correct images without any loss of images.
    So I recommend deleting your current slider and the images from your media library, then clear your browser cache and any cache plugin, and import the layerslider again from the file above.

    Best regards,

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