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  • #23817

    Is it possible in the Enfold theme to have a slider for pages…You can do it for a post and for portfolio items, but is it possible for pages?

    Hope that you can help!



    Yes, of course. Edit a page, go to Advance Layout Editor > under Media Elements, insert a slider.




    I think you have misunderstood.

    I know you can put it on a page, but I’m wondering if the actual content of the slider can be for pages.

    I know you can create a slider of 5 posts within the slider, and also a number of portfolio items, so that you can scroll left to right on individual posts/portfolio items.

    I would like to do this for a page though, soi can have 5 pages, 5 different individual partsof the slider that will individually click to the separate pages.

    Hope that I’m making sense!



    You kinda lost me there. Are you talking about the navigation?

    Let me tag the rest of the support team.




    Sorry I’m not explaining myself properly

    If you look at this page

    Is it possible to use a page as the slider element?



    No, the post slider does not support pages. It just supports posts and custom taxonomies (which can be used to query custom post types).

    Best regards,


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