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  • #214369


    I’ve got two new questions for your team.

    I’d like to change speed of the fullscreen slider (already tried to change the js/shortcode.js file on transitionSpeed setting, but didn’t change anything). Isn’t it there ? If not, where can it be ?

    The other question is to be able to open accordion tabs on roll over, not on click. Which file do i need to edit ?

    Thanks !


    Hi ey3!

    1) You can set the autorotation duration on the option page. Click on the “Fullscreen Slider” element and after the modal window is visible search for the “Slideshow autorotation duration” setting – there you can configure the slideshow speed in seconds.

    2) In wp-content/themes/enfold/js/shortcodes.js replace

    thisheading.on('click', function()


    thisheading.on('hover', function()

    However this code customization will probably cause weird side effects and you probably need to implement a script like: to use it on a production website – personally I recommend to stick with the default click event because we can’t help you with the implementation of the hoverIntent script.



    Thank you for your response.

    That helped me, but like you said, it does some weird effect. Just that the tab open the right way, but just close itself on mouse out.

    I’d like it to stay open and to close only if mouse goes over another tab heading.

    I’ve got another topic here : I created it after to separate my questions.

    For the slider, i was right, but the shortcodes.js wasn’t updating itself because of the version called on functions.php.

    I think this topic can be close and if you got the answer or even a clue for the accordion, you get go to the other topic.

    And thank you again !

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