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  • #903935

    Dear Kriesi,

    Google has announced something about page speed. Google annoncements are very rare.
    In July 2018 page speed is more than a heavyweight factor for rankings: Please take a look for better options for your embed YouTube scripts.
    YouTube scripts in Kriesi has at some clients pages an impact of 37 % of page loading time with scripts of 530 KB. This is 1/3 of my page size. 36.7 % 524.13 KB

    Der Mobile-First-Index ist eine der bedeutendsten Veränderungen der Suchmaschine und Google scheint viel daran gelegen, dass Seitenbetreiber sich umfassend darauf einstellen können, anstatt wie in der Vergangenheit von großen Updates mehr oder weniger kalt erwischt zu werden.

    There a some plugins on market to load static video-picture from YouTube without loading scripts, The look is the same as in your video option. The function are also the same. But these plugins are not compatible with Kriesi. At pingdom, my page score goes two ratings upwards at YSLOW and Pagespeed, if i disable your video stuff and use another plugin. The page loading time are much faster with factor of 2 (5.6 seconds to 2.8) And yes, it’s an premium managed SSD power server. The number of requests decreased from 65 to 54.

    I have tested it with WP-Plugin: “Lazy Load for Videos” from kevin weber.


    Please take a look at the scripts. Deliver for your customers the best, which is possible and for success in business.



    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Hokuspokus.

    Hey S.,
    Thank you for the info and suggestion, please include this at Enfold feature request as this is the thread that the devs look at when deciding what should be added or improved.

    Best regards,


    I am always surprised by these impertinences. With some postings i get new unqualified answers.

    I write this for you and that’s all of my work. I pay for kriesi support. I don’t get money for task, that is on your side. This is not a feature, this is a must have for kriesi.


    …and a must have for all of your clients and your reputation


    Sorry, no disrespect was meant, certainly a misunderstanding. I have forwarded.

    Best regards,


    Sorry for hijacking your threat.

    I am using the build in video element from the Avia Layout Architekt for my page:

    This simple page displaying 16 youtube video has a total of 17.7MB ?! wtf! The build in video element is downloading the base.js (~407 KB) file from youtubes server for every single video. There has to be a better way to do this.



    At Shaevy:

    i will write you at the corresponding mail adrss. is it ok?

    I would modify your htaccess and there are so many scripts and 294 server requests… i’m not sure, is this all needed. and is autooptimize the right stuff. All can be used with a clear htaccess. And SEO is nearly complet missing. Mixed content problems are also there (http in https)
    The page has a loaded size of 2.9 MB. This is ok. but the scripts are too much.





    Unfortunately, it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However, if it’s really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,

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