Tagged: image, related_posts, thumbnail
I am wondering how I can change the size of the related post images without stretching them.
Right now it looks like this: http://www.evergreenmedia.at/suchmaschinenanmeldung/
The problem is I am simply stretching a small thumbnail to 200 x 200 px. I would rather use a generic thumbnail size (180 x180) that WP creates on itself which is not stretched.
Any help is highly appreciated!
Best regards,
Alexander Rus
Hi Alexander ,
The images below the post are not currently getting output at 200×200. They are 177×177 and the thumbnail starts at 180×180: http://3na8el3vr0iv4c0gg0360g6417y2.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/artikelverzeichnisse-oesterreich-180×180.jpg