Does Enfold have a sitemap generator so that the map is contained within a page?
I am using Yoast and can create a sitemap but linking to that in a footer menu just takes the user to Yoasts own sitemap page and away from the structure of the website which then makes it feel like you have been redirected away altogether.
Any assistance is appreciated.
Hey John,
Thank you for the inquiry.
The theme does not have a sitemap generator, but you can use the default XML sitemap that WordPress generates automatically for the website. However, most users rely on third party plugins such as Yoast to generate a more accurate sitemap.
// https://yoast.com/help/xml-sitemaps-in-the-wordpress-seo-plugin/
// https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/what-is-a-wordpress-sitemap-how-to-create-a-sitemap-in-wordpress/
Best regards,
Many thanks Ismael. I’ll check further into these.