Hello!, I’m having trouble with my site because it’s running really, reallly slow. I’m sure that the hosting/server is not the problem because I have other sites with them and they work fine. Can you take a look at it? maybe you can help me with whatever is causing this.
This are the plugins I’m running: http://hastalamasa.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2016-12-22-FireShot-Capture-560-Plugins-‹-Hasta_-http___hastalamasa.com_.ar_wp-admin_plugins.php_.jpg, I believe they’re not causing this.
The site: http://hastalamasa.com.ar/
Thank you very much!
Hey verodapos,
Please see the link in private for a full rundown of what is being loaded on your site. Most time is spent on waiting for the server to respond which is something you can bring up with your hosting provider. You could also try to minimise your images as most of your content seems to made up by them.
Best regards,
Thank you!!