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  • #1466858

    Hey, I’m new to Enfold. I’ve read a few posts on this forum about how to add the site title as a H1 element. But the answers aren’t very clear. Is it possible to make the site title H1 or do I have to use another method? And how do I do it?


    Hey paulw185,
    Please link to your site so we can be sure that we understand correctly, typically a logo image will show unless you use a function to show a site title instead, if you added this then please link to the function so we can help modify it as there are a few different ones.
    But typically this is not a good idea as each page & post should only have one H1, and posts typically already show a H1 in the post title. Seeing your site will help us.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike. Thanks for your reply. I’m building my website https://wta.nl/ (under construction) using the template from the classic Enfold demo. It has a site title, but in the homepage source code I can’t find the h1 tag anywhere near the <title> tag.


    I believe you are referring to the tags html ▸ head ▸ title
    Screen Shot 2024 09 14 at 11.42.25 AM
    this tag doesn’t support H1, it will not show on your site, this title is the tab title.
    And if you did, it would cause your portfolio pages to have two H1 tags:
    Screen Shot 2024 09 14 at 11.46.27 AM

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike. I’m not sure I understand you completely (English is not my native language). I always thought that the site title, which I wrote in the WordPress General Settings > Site title (this is the ‘tab title’ which you are referring to?), is a H1 tag automatically, which would show in the page source code. And I also thought that this site title is the most important for SEO. Are you saying that this isn’t correct?

    Does this mean that I must always use a page title, such as ‘Portfolio’ on the Portfolio page? I’d rather not do that, to be honest, because it doesn’t look good. Do I actually need a H1, and if so, can I use any text on the page, no matter font size, as a H1?

    Sorry for my noob questions. :-)


    WordPress General Settings > Site title is the “tab title” and not a SEO H1 tag, for a SEO Page Title, please name the page as you wish and enable the page Layout Title.
    Or you hide this in the page option and manually add a H1 title to the top of your pages by wrapping it with the H1 tag.
    You could have the same H1 title for every page with some javascript, but this is not a good idea for SEO because every page should be different.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike! I see that I have a bit of studying to do, but your reply helps me on my way. Thanks again!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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