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  • #1152169

    Hi guys,
    everything was running smoothly – even custom css – until we updated the border color of the highlighted header area. From that point on, the custom font and the custom css has been ignored. Puging the cache, deleting the enfold.css in “dynamic_avia”, tweaking the performance settings and setting different colors for backgrounds and borders dind’t do anything. All changes applied are ignored. Any ideas?




    Thanks for contacting us!

    It sounds like there could be CSS error in your custom CSS code. You could check if that is the case on – http://csslint.net/

    Auth logins did not work for me. Could you please check them once again and post WP admin logins here privately if issue is not error in custom CSS?



    Hey guys,

    the custom CSS is pretty simple and worked before. It just hides the logo element.

    .logo {
    display: none !important;

    The custom font is previewed correctly when chaning the settings on the “General Styling” page, but still not applied to the page itself.



    When i set colors using hex code in Alternate Background color, it works as expected. I will report the issue to our devs :)

    Best regards,

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