Could you please invest some efforts to speed up the appearance of enfold sites? In my case, on http://www.skorosvadba.ru I have fullscreen slider on top of the main page, and seems to load the last: http://www.webpagetest.org/video/view.php?id=141011_NN_7SE.1.0
1) Can you do the opposite, make the fullscreen slider (or whatever is on top of a particular enfold site page) load first, so it will visually appear faster?
2) Google pageSpeed Insights service says visual content is deferred by javascript and css loading. Can you fix that?
If you’ll scroll down http://www.webpagetest.org/result/141011_75_8X8/1/screen_shot/ to “document complete” there’s no picture. Can it be fixed?
That is something a freelance developer can customize for you but not something we can do on our end.