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  • #743419

    Hi chaps,

    This may be out of your scope of support but I thought it would be worth mentioning in case I was wrong.

    My wp development site (“”) is up and running under the domain “”. When clicking the ‘accommodation’ and ‘terms and conditions’ menu links from the published website, the browser loads I have a feeling this might be because my “site URL” in the settings within the back-end is still set to rather than

    I also have a problematic menu link called ‘saas-fee’ which is a custom link directed to the published site and I receive an internal error when its clicked. I receive the same error if I click the 2 hyperlinks near the top of the home page. I’m sure you will receive the same errors if you have a quick play on the published site.

    All these links worked fine before migrating the site to the host.

    I’ve called my hosting service who say its a development issue. Would you have any suggestions?

    All the best,


    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Jambo.

    Hey James,

    I think it’s because of your site URL setting like you mentioned, could you try changing it to see if it helps?

    Best regards,

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