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  • #423539

    Hi there,

    The color sections seem to be making elements on my site act weird. For instance, even though only 1 text box is in the Color Section element, it’ll turn the rest of the page to look like it’s also in the Color Section box even though it’s not. It’s done this on several pages, and now outta nowhere, my paragraph font on all my pages is displaying as bolded even though it’s not.

    I haven’t touched any code. Any idea what’s happening? I need to turn the site into my client, but I can’t hand it over when it’s being weird.




    Hey Beth!

    I’m not entirely sure I understand the exact problem you’re having, could you please provide us with screenshots highlighting the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    For example, attached are screenshots of what shows on the “live” website. It seems to just be the About page and Work With Me pages that are being weird. Also attached are pictures of what these pages actually look like from the admin side.

    It seems like every time I add a “color section” from the layout elements, things stop functioning properly, start showing bold fonts where there are no bold fonts, start showing blank pages when they’re full of content.

    I don’t have a screenshot of this part, but when I’d add a “color section” and put just one text box element inside (for instance, if I wanted the title of a section to be in the color section and the rest of the paragraph to be outside the color section), it suddenly would turn EVERYTHING on the page below that color section into the dark, alternate background with all sorts of formatting screwing up. Again, I don’t have a screenshot because I’m afraid to touch anything on the site right now.

    Another quirk is that any animation for pictures is not working. I had to take off all animations in order to make the pictures show up on the site.

    I have no idea why it’s being so odd.

    Would love your insight. Thanks!

    (how do I attach my screen shots for you?)



    you can send us your screenshots using or a public dropbox folder.

    Sounds to me like a conflict with one or more plugins, so please try to switch all off to see is things get better. Afterwards you can switch them on again one by one to check which one is causing the problems.

    If that does not help you might need to completely delete all theme files via FTP and get a fresh copy from you themeforest account. Maybe there are some corrupted files in your installation …

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    Ok, so I uploaded several screenshots of what the About and Work With Me pages look like within SECONDS of refreshing the page. It’ll look fine, I don’t touch anything, simply hit “view page” or refresh on the browser, and suddenly it looks like these screenshots. I’ve turned off all plugins.

    I will say, this is the first time movement came back – the icons never moved before. I thought it was strange that they were muted, but apparently the movement just wasn’t able to work properly, so I suppose I’ll find out which plugin is responsible for that as I turn them back on one at a time.

    But what’s troubling is that if I go from my page as I left it, then hit Preview, then come back – sometimes it actually takes all the elements out from the back end too and I have to restore an earlier version.

    It’s freakin’ me out – I need to get this project finished and over to the client.

    Thanks for your help!



    I get the same result on my end as in your screenshot, only one small problem, what is it supposed to look like? I can’t see anything obviously wrong with it? Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details here as a private reply.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Yeah I’m kind of confused also. Your about page looks the same to me as in your screenshot. Can you highlight what’s going on in the screenshot?

    You said there is two screenshots in the dropbox folder, can you send us a link to that folder? The link you provided only shows one screenshot.



    Hey Elliott and Rikard,

    I went through the Public Dropbox folder and renamed the shots so you can see.

    There are 2 pictures labeled:
    -How the About page SHOULD look
    -How the Work With Me page SHOULD look

    Then there examples of how they actually end up looking on the live site:
    -Example of what happens on the About page (literally nothing shows up even though there are plenty of blocks of content on the back end. This one seems to have resolved itself? Knock on wood. It hasn’t acted up for a week or so)
    -Example of what happens on the Work With Me page (just the first row that contains a header and a picture shows up, then the footer despite there being content)

    Refresh the page again and you’ll get any number of the example screen shots in the folder:
    -Example 2: it shows the first 3 rows, then nothing except the footer
    -Example 3: the fonts all appear to be bold even though they’re not in the backend.
    -Example 4: the full-width menu stacks the 2 items on top of each other, instead of horizontally, the icons stay muted instead of animating and becoming brighter and bigger, plus the fonts are bolded within the icon list, even though they shouldn’t be.

    Does this make more sense as to what I’m talking about? Sorry, I know it’s frustrating trying to decode what a non-tech person is talking about when things aren’t working.

    It seems to be the “color sections” that are wreaking havoc. I even tried to rebuild the Work With Me page, but the color sections are still acting up and altering any of the content I put inside them.

    Thanks for your help, guys.


    I just restored an earlier version of the Work With Me page and it seems to be displaying correctly right now………

    But I don’t know what causes the inconsistencies and would love to know how to avoid it in the future.



    Your dropbox link is asking for a login now. I’m sorry but I’m not sure what the problem was so I don’t know what to tell you.



    Hi Elliott,

    Do you not have a dropbox account? I put it in the Dropbox public folder as I was instructed to do on this thread. I don’t know how else to get the pictures to you guys.

    Are you willing to just log in on my admin? I really need to hand this over to the client but can’t because the site isn’t functioning properly. This weekend when trying to show someone the website, the Work With Me page came up blank. You should be able to see it there where it’s just the header and footer with no content on the page.



    You need to link to the actual image or gallery from dropbox, otherwise we won’t be able to see it.




    When I first viewed your last link I couldn’t see any content at all so I logged in to have a look, updated the page without doing any changes and now it’s displaying as it should. Could you check if it displays correctly on you end? If not, please try to deactivate all plugins to see if one of them is causing a conflict.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    Thanks for checking it out. Yeah, it looks good again! I’ve had to do that a couple times, and it’ll go back to looking how it should, then outta nowhere shift back to looking dumb again. But for now, all is well. Thanks!

    I also got an email from The Envato Team warning about widespread wordpress and theme security vulnerability – not sure if that had anything to do with it, but I’ve updated everything just to be sure.

    Thanks again for your help.




    Alrighty, let us know if you have any other issues.

    Regarding the envato email we patched that security hole in the latest version of Enfold so be sure to update.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
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