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  • #1176951

    UPDATE: Hosting is in there right now, I’ll be back with login credentials if they can’t rectify this theme’s issue.

    Hi there, I have a critical error. Using the most recent version of WordPress and just downloaded the newest version of Enfold and tried to upload it. It crashed the site.

    Reverted back to an older version and still crashed? Can you please look?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by BrendaSarg.

    FYI, site was down all day. Due to Enfold error:

    It seems Enfold theme copies 2 php files from wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes into new folders named for the php file. This creates redundancies that will not allow the new site to open.

    How to fix this issue:

    2) Go to the folder wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/

    3) Remove the events_countdown & the events_upcoming folders inside the avia-shortcodes folder. This will remove the redundancy.

    4)Clear your cache and visit the site’s login page. This should get rid of the fatal error.

    This seems to be a longstanding error with this theme:

    It may be worth mentioning to the theme developer.


    Hi BrendaSarg,

    Thanks for sharing the solution.
    This issue was caused by changes in the folder structure of Enfold and this only happens when you update from versions 4.2.4 and below and you update (via Theme Update) to Enfold 4.2.5 and above.
    But this won’t happen again when you update from Enfold 4.2.5 to later versions. :)

    Best regards,


    i am having the same problem!
    There was a critical error on my website, after updating the theme.

    I done that, what @BrendaSarg have written. But it doenst help.

    Maybe the theme child is the problem? Its old …

    I im speaking about the privat website from my daughter:

    please help,
    best regards, Susanee



    could you please start a new thread under Enfold sub forum – and attach FTP and WP admin logins in private content field so we can look into it? :)



    Hi, yes, please wait a minute …


    Hey @Yigit,

    I wrote a new thread, but it doesn’t appear in my account. Is it still there? Can you see that? If not, her is the privat content also.

    best regards, Susanne


    Hi Susanne,

    Thanks for that. Do you have a backup which you can restore the site from? If you do then I think that would be the best way forward in recovering your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    oh no …. The update is 2 days old and now inclusive this probem! That is bad, very bad …
    Another idea?

    best regards,


    Hi Susanne,

    So I take it you don’t have a backup of the site? Do you know which version of PHP is running on the server? We recommend 7.1 or higher. Also, do you have WordPress login details for us?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikdard,

    Yes, I don’t have a backup older than 2 days … It’s the little side of my daughter and it runs on the side.

    But it is the first time that an Enfold-Update causes errors in this powerful way!

    And: I’m “glad” that this didn’t happen to a customer’s website! That would have been trouble …

    User data is in private content.

    best regards


    Hi Susanne,

    Thanks for that. I changed the name of the Enfold folders and that should result in one of the default themes being used, but there is still a 500 internal server error. I believe this is likely due to a problem on the server. Could you try reaching out to your hosting provider to see if they can have a look to see why you are getting this error please?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,
    ok, we did that, but some pages are not available.

    Especially these:

    But: It exists and I can edit it, but not ready to call it.

    That is all crazy. Please helf again.!

    best regards,


    Hi Susanne,

    Great, I’m glad that you got the site up again. I reset your Permalink settings and the page you referred to is working now. Please review your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    okay, fine. Thankyou!

    best regards,


    Hi Susanne,

    Great, I’m glad that we could help.

    Best regards,

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