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  • #893689

    Hi, a while ago the new woocommerce picture zoom / light box didn’t work. Does it work now? I followed your instrucions a while ago and disabled the new zoom function with a child theme. Are there any updates concerning this problem?


    Hey FadingReality,

    Here is a thread for you to consider

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I tried the solution and the zoom works now, but I do get error messages all over the product page. Can you help me out?


    Hi FadingReality,

    If you have any old code in functions.php about the WooCommerce gallery from earlier fixes, please remove it and let us know if the issue persists.

    Best regards,


    I do have some code in my child theme’s functions.phb, but I don’t think there’s anything left regarding the woocommerce gallery. You can checkout the content of the functions.php in the private area below


    Hi FadingReality,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Yes of course!


    Hi FadingReality,

    I don’t see the notice anymore, it could have been cache.
    If you do see, can you give us the link to the product where it is happening?

    Best regards,


    Yeah we removed the code because we can’t let customers see the error messages. But the problem with the missing zoom still remains.



    Please check the Theme Options and make sure that the “Lightbox Modal Window” option is enabled. In the Shop Options panel, try to toggle the Product Gallery option.

    Best regards,



    Please check the Theme Options and make sure that the “Lightbox Modal Window” option is enabled. In the Shop Options panel, try to toggle the Product Gallery option.

    Best regards,

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