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  • #856270

    Hi there,

    I adjusted the loop-index.php file to reorder single posts and show the post date and author between the post title and the featured image using code I found within the forums here. However there’s quite a large vertical gap between the post categories and the post date / author… see link in private content.

    Can you possibly advise what changes I need to make to remove the white space please?

    Also, can you advise on the CSS I’d need to use to edit the H1 for the post title (but leave the site wide H1 untouched)? I’d like to edit the font size and casing please…



    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by sjwmobile.

    Hey sjwmobile,

    To fix the gap between the category and the post info, just add this custom CSS code at Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS

    .post-meta-infos {
       margin-top: -15px !important;

    And to change the title size, add this code:

    .post-title {
      font-size: 25px !important;

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hi John,

    Thanks for getting back to me, but neither of those changes seemed to work I’m afraid?




    Hi John,

    I’ve actually been rethinking the above…

    Can you advise how I achieve the following please;

    Reordering of single posts so that they display (in this order);

    Featured Image
    Post Title
    Post Date / By Author

    Perhaps I need to update the index-loop.php for my child theme? In which case, can you advise of the revised code please?

    Also, can you please advise what CSS I’ll need to use to resize the post title (as per my request above) please? The original code you suggested didn’t work.

    I may still need to remove the whitespace below the title/categories too – so if you could advise on what CSS will allow this too that would be fantastic – thanks!

    Appreciate all your help,



    Hi Sam,

    You can try adding this css code:

    .html_modern-blog #top .post-entry .post-meta-infos {
        margin-top: -15px !important;

    But as for the reordering can you try to go to Enfold > Blog Layout > Blog Styling > set this to Default (Business)
    Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    The Default (Business) style is definitely better. However, individual posts don’t show Categories, Post Date and By Author as I requested… can you advise how to add these in to the template so that the order is as follows please;

    Featured Image
    Post Title
    Post Date / By Author (side by side)

    Also, how can I edit the styling of single post titles specifically (rather than site wide H1’s) please? The CSS previously provided didn’t work.




    Hi Sam,

    Here is how to add the categories

    and you can add the code to show the author and date below it.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria – but could you please just advise how I do all the changes in one go? There’s no detail on how to add author/date? Perhaps you could just provide the code that I need to use to achieve what I’ve asked rather than referring me to other posts that aren’t completely relevant?

    And how do I change the font size of individual blog post titles as I requested in my last post?

    I’ve purchased Enfold 10+ times and am a little concerned that the level of support appears to be slipping – with multiple back/forth messages required to resolve questions.




    Hi Sam,

    The css part is well within the scope of our support, but the coding part is not really. I pointed you to a partial solution but you see it as irrelevant.

    Here is the code for the blog titles:

    .single-post .entry-content-wrapper .post-title {
        font-size: 24px;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I didn’t say irrelevant, but you linked me to an article that told me how to add categories beneath the title and didn’t reference the author or post date at all so it didn’t really help me?

    You reference the coding being outside of support’s remit but I’ve seen plenty of similar responses on the forum – just for slightly differing requests. However, as you seem reluctant to help, I’ll just try and trawl the forums and think twice about purchasing Enfold again.

    The CSS code worked, thanks.



    Hi Sam,

    You’re right, I don’t like the tone of this conversation. But I will my colleagues to have a look.

    Have a nice day.
    Best regards,



    Thank you for using our theme and I apologize that this conversation run into a wrong direction. Of course we try to provide assistance as much as possible.

    Please switch your blog setting in Dashboard -> Enfold Child -> Blog Layout -> Blog Styling to Default (Business).

    This already moves the requested elements below the image.

    To keep your changes on upcoming updates:

    In your child theme main directory create a folder includes and in this folder create an empty file loop-index.php (-> enfold-child\includes\loop-index.php).

    Put the content of the RAW Paste Data (at bottom) into this file:

    If you need further assistance with the CSS please let us know. It will be easier to provide you with the correct changes after this update.

    Best regards,


    Hi Günter,

    Thanks for this – really helpful and much appreciated. I’ve replaced the loop-index.php code with your suggested code. Could you please advise how I might edit it very slightly so that it displays like;

    Post Title
    Posted in Post Categories
    Post Date / By Post Author

    Where the ‘Posted in Post Categories’ and ‘Post Date / By Post Author’ are all centered (I’ve already managed to center the Post Title within the CSS)

    Post a link to example post within the Private Content.

    Thank you again.




    Please update the complete file loop-index.php with this:

    To center the 2 lines use the following CSS:

    #top.single-post .post-meta-infos .post-meta-line{
    	width: 100%;
    #top.single-post .post-meta-infos .post-meta-line .post-meta-content{
    	margin: 0 auto;
    	width: 350px;
    	text-align: center;

    Best regards,


    Absolutely perfect – thank you very much for your help Günter.




    I’m glad you were able to get this resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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