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  • #1074480

    Here’s this post: https://jsummers.info/5-key-reasons-operators-invest-in-my-coaching-programs/
    There are a few issues:
    1. The title bar is run together with the breadcrumbs. Can I turn off the right side of the title page breadcrumbs? I guess title bar settings are not global?
    2. I initially created a post using the classic editor. I added the featured image and published it. I then went back to edit it and I changed it to the Avia Builder editor. Then I lost the featured image even though it was still loaded on the right hand of the editor. So I had to manually add it to the post editor image element. Why doesn’t it pull from the featured image?
    3. Is there no author box?
    4. I allowed comments so where’s the comment box? Do I have to add it every time I create a post in the Avia builder (which I did)?

    All of this vs this post: https://jsummers.info/how-do-you-build-volume/
    built by default editor which has all the elements automatically.

    What am I missing?


    Update: I went back to the default editor and all the elements appear now, including the featured image. Does this not happen when I use the Avia builder?



    No, when using ALB to create your posts you would need to add each element to your post manually including image, comments, social share buttons etc. Featured image you upload is being used on blog overview page but it is not displayed in single posts.

    Currently ALB does not have author box element.

    You can edit your pages, posts and choose to hide titlebar, display only title, display only breadcrumbs or display both.



    The problem is that you don’t have all the elements for a post page when using the builder to create posts.

    Where’s the author link element?
    Where’s the “You might also like” element?

    The only posts elements I see are share and comments. ???

    Plus, a builder post doesn’t follow the global blog layout options I chose and input from the options page.

    Here is the exact same post created both ways.

    What am I missing?



    The problem is that you don’t have all the elements for a post page when using the builder to create posts.

    Yes, that is correct. The default post elements are not available as a builder element or shortcode. You have to switch to the default editor if you want to see the default post layout.

    Best regards,


    Well you’d think that the whole idea for using the builder would be to have MORE options not fewer.

    I’m becoming more and more disappointed with this theme as I get deeper into it.



    Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

    Best regards,

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