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  • #1478663

    Since update 7.0 SVG icons problem
    With previous versions of Enfold, I replaced the default icons of Enfold like the magnifying glass, the basket, the social icons, back to top and others according to the several different sites that I have under Enfold.
    Now that these icons are called in SVG automatically it does not work anymore.
    I used a solution found on your documentation or support.
    With the functions.php and the avf_default_icons filter.
    Example : $icons[‘search’] = array( ‘font’ =>’flaticon’, ‘icon’ => ‘uf163’);
    Would it be possible to disable SVG icons?
    Do you have another solution?
    Kind regards,


    Hey Olivier SIA09,
    We would need a admin login to examine, but I believe that if you examine this new filter for v7.0 and adjust it should work
    This filter changes the search icon:

    add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_replace_standard_icon', 10, 1);
    function avia_replace_standard_icon($icons)
    $icons['svg__search']	 = array( 'font' =>'svg_entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'leaf');
    return $icons;

    also note that the new built-in, svg icons are using “words” instead of the charter codes, if you hover over the icons in the icons element the title will show you the “words” if you have uploaded your own fontello icons use your charter codes
    You can see the list here: /enfold/includes/config-enfold/init-base-data.php
    Screen Shot 2025 03 05 at 4.06.41 PM
    these are the social icons:
    Screen Shot 2025 03 05 at 4.10.02 PM

    Best regards,


    if you like to use a different font then it is better to use the image id

    function avia_replace_default_icons($icons){
    	$icons['svg__search'] =  array( 'font' =>'svg_wp-media-library', 'icon' => '40720');
    		return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_replace_default_icons', 10, 1);

    that above is an example with the new “font” of uploaded svg files to media-library

    Advantage use media library multicolor svgs too.

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