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  • #670232

    1. In my slider there are (at the moment) five pictures. Three of them crop to the right zise (100x500px), two do not, they open in full format. I cannot find any difference in those pictures that could tell me what to do.
    2. This problem is only worth to tell in connection with slider: Enfold should be fixed at at a width of maximal 960px The slider opens in a lot more if browser is opened e.g. in full size. As I load to the slider pictures of maximum 1000px width they are stretched very ugly. I don’t want to publich pictures on my website with higher resolution – but even if, they would generate a very large filesize (think on 4k monitors) and generate a lot of traffic.

    Best Regards


    Oh! Surprise!

    ad 1.: Same pictures work perfectly with simple Slider on another page within same Testpage (see private content)!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by ernst_w.

    I hoped to get an answer – but failed for two days. Same with another support ticket. I am not an professional web-designer but even my time is limited.

    My question – if it is possible to answer at least this: What do I get as support for the money i paid? How long (in average) does it take to get an answer which helps me to get a step forward?


    The slider problem has be solved. Slider had lost his values. Seems to be that there was an aspect ration of 2:1 (I think picture loading size was about 1000×500 pixel) before. It worked. Now there ist no such ratio and slider didn’t show any value at this point.

    What is not clear: Why did slider crop some of the pictures as he did before and othern not?

    And my Question is still open: What do I get as support for the money i paid? How long (in average) does it take to get an answer which helps me to get a step forward?



    We are very sorry for the delay. Please refrain from bumping or replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    1.) I don’t see any obvious issues with the slider in the home page. Do you mind providing a screenshot that explains it a bit further?

    2.) I’m sorry but you kinda lost me here too. What do you mean by “Enfold should be fixed at at a width of maximal 960px”?

    Best regards,



    thanks for reply.

    “Please refrain from bumping or replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue”:
    As I cannot just wait on answers some days, I go on trying to solve my problems. Where should I place things I recognize when trying so solve issues? Should I rather edit my start post? I will do so if you prefer. Or will the thread be pushed to end of the queue anyways?

    1.) There is no longer this problem with slider. I have written a day before your answer as you can see above. The field “Slideshow-Bildgröße” (slider picture size) was empty. But I cannot imagine why some of the pictures where cropped and others not because this value is for the whole slider and notf or several picures.

    2.) Sorry about my poor English. I am an Austrian (as your company is/was too). I exspected the maximum width of the layout grid would be 960px. I am not right as I could see now. That would mean, if I would like to see best resolution on all displays includinf 4K, to upload pictures for the slider in 3840×2160px. Not only very large data amount but needful for companies to take them to use (without paying any money).

    Best regards



    Wordpress is cropping images by default when uploading them and if you want to control this behavior you can use a plugin like this:
    I hope this will help :).

    Mit mir kannst du hier auch auf Deutsch reden. War die letzten Tage im Urlaub, aber nun wieder am Start :).



    “WordPress is cropping images by default when uploading them and if you want to control this behavior you can use a plugin like this: ”

    Danke für die Antwort, aber das weiß ich schon. Das war aber auch nicht das Problem, wie ich nun schon zweimal schrieb: Der Slider hatte tatsächlich keine Einstellung mehr im Feld “Slideshow-Bildgröße”. Dieses Feld war leer – warum auch immer. Ich habe den Wert wieder eingetragen. Seither funktioniert der Slider ohnehin. Die Bilder, die trotzdem richtig beschnitten wurden, hatte auch nicht WordPress zu verantworten, sondern der Slider, der die eingetragenen Werte an die Bilder weitergibt. Die Bilder, die richtifg beschnitten wurden, hatten den richtigen Wert noch, die anderen, später eingefügten, nicht mehr. Seltsam, aber leider wahr. Egal mittlerweile.

    lG Ernst



    schön, dass es inzwischen geklärt ist. Lass uns gerne in einem neuen Ticket wissen, wenn du wieder Hilfe brauchst mit dem Theme. Wir unterstützen dich gerne.


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