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  • #935573

    Hi Kriesi

    Three problems with my sidebar:

    1. I would like to have a short text at the top of the sidebar to explain which blogs are featured underneath – like ‘More about Italy’. Right now the is a spacer (see link private below). How do I get text there in stead?

    2. I have removed the date and number of comments from the blog posts in the sidebar with css. But the frames remain in the sidebar and in the category page as well. How do I remove them?

    3. I want to remove the current post (the one that the user is reading) from the sidebar. I have found this thread:
    But where is the functions php-file? I am a new beginner…:

    Hope you can help?



    Hey friefodspor,
    1: The easiest way would be to add your text as a widget, but I imagine that you will want to have different blocks of text depending on the page and the other items in the sidebar. So the solution is to use the plugin: Widget Logic which will allow you to decide which ones will show for each category or page.

    2: Try this code in the Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    .html_elegant-blog .avia-content-slider .slide-meta {
        display: none!important; 

    3: To edit the functions.php go to WordPress > Appearance > Editor > functions.php

    Best regards,


    Thank you so much.
    1. I have installed the Widget Logic plugin now. What to do after that?
    2. Works perfectly!
    3. My menu does not look like that. First step is ok: In Danish it says Udseende (=appearance). Option number two is ‘Tilpas’ (something like Edit maybe), but then after that I have a different menu with website identity, menus, widgets and so on? I Where to find the php-file then?


    1: now that you have the Widget Logic plugin installed, please create one of your text widgets at the top, such as, ‘More about Italy’ then in the “logic” box we will need to add the code for where it will show. Such as in all of the posts in the category “Italien” which I believe on your site has the category slug “category-italien”.

    is_single() && in_category('category-italien')

    You can see what your category slugs are by going the WordPress > Dashboard > Categories and see your list of categories.
    After you get this one working you will be able to add as many more as you like for all of your categories.

    3: Can you please include a admin login in the private content area so we can take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    1. I will start trying this now.
    3. Se in the private section for my login.


    1. Sorry, but I have no idea how to work in that Widget logic. I can find it in Widgets. I that where to work in it? Becuase on the blog posts I find no field in which to work with widget logic? The options I have under widgets are:
    Add ‘widget_content’ filter
    Use ‘wp_reset_query’ fix
    Load logic
    Display logic errors to admin


    Thanks for the login, I have taken a closer look and found that your “sidebar” is a 1/3 column in your page, which is good, but each page will have to be edited to add the widget, for the first time. But afterward you will only need to edit one place to change all of the widgets. I have done one for you to show you, this is what I did:
    First I added a text widget to your “sidebar blog” area, using only the title and adding this code in the Widget logic area to make it show on every single post in the “italien” category:

    is_single() && in_category('italien')

    Then I went to one post, and added the “widget” element to your 1/3 column, selecting the “sidebar blog” as the one to show:
    Now it will show on your post, and once you add this same widget area to the other 9 posts in the category, you will be able to edit the one widget to change the text on all of the posts at once.
    You can then follow these steps, to add other widgets, for the rest of your categories and posts.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike. Exactly what I wanted, thanks… Now I succeeded in changing the text in the existing widget to Danish. When I go to another blog post about Italy, I know I have to add this widget area. But how do I do that? I don’t see the area that is in your screendumps? I suppose I have to add in manually the first time, but I don’t get how?


    I am really into problems… I also tried creating an extra widget with another text, an I don’t know how to do that either. Is it correct, that I should go to the Appearance – widgets from the left menu? The only place there I can add someting is in the ‘Enfold Custom Widget Area’. But when I don that, it stille does not look like a Widget Logic-thing? I am a total new beginner, sorry for keep asking.


    Ok, to create a new “widget logic” in a post, first go yo your post in the editor, and drag the “widget area” element in to your page.
    Then choose the widget area you want to use:
    These are the steps you will only need to do once, per post.

    Then in the WordPress > Appearance > Widgets you can create your widget in the widget area, and add the rules the “widget logic” field.
    I hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    1. OMG, I think it got some of the way now, Mike…. I must be your slowest pupil. The problem was I had not seen the ‘Content element’ area from where it is possible to drag different things… Well. Status now: I know how to add a widget area to each blog posts sidebar. What I don’t understand is that even when I add the widget area til Italy blog posts, the text does not show. Why is this?
    3. This problem is still not solves because my interface is completely different whem I try to navigate the way you write that I shall. Now I have made screendumps so that you can see what see…


    Well done, I see you have added the “Widget logic” to all of the “Italien” posts, and they are showing in all of my checks.
    Perhaps if you don’t see it right away, try re-loading your page, or clearing your cache.
    But I think you are feeling not sure, so I will make a video. Please see video in Private Content area.
    In the video I create a new widget for the Danmark category, since you have already added the “Widget logic” to the post, I don’t need to add it, but I show the post anyways to show the steps.

    Best regards,


    You/I succeeded now! The widgets are working everywhere.

    About styling of this widget area: Is it possible to:
    1. Style the text in the green I am using (#74b86b)
    2. Center the text like the blog posts underneath are centered
    3. Make the text top align with the body text to the left
    4. Make the distance between the text and the first post smaller than the distance from the top of the text to the line above?

    Thanks Marie


    Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    .flex_column.av_one_third .widget_text h3.widgettitle {
    color: #74b86b !important;
    margin: 0px !important;
    text-align: center!important; 
    .flex_column.av_one_third .widget_text {
    padding-bottom: 0px !important;

    Best regards,


    All perfect!! Over and out on this issue. Thanks again, we made it!!


    Glad we were able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here
    and the video tutorials here
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to start new threads under Enfold sub forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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