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  • #331067


    i used Enfold Theme 2.9.2 and WooCommerce. On the Shop-Site (template from Enfold Theme) i want a right sidebar.
    The Shop-Site is the Parent and the start-site from the shop. The shop has many Sites for many Categorys. On the Category-Sites is no problem the “Kundenkonto-Spalte” (includes the EnfoldTheme) to activate.
    All is fine!
    But the same settings from the Child-sites on the parent-Side doesn’t work. I want the same sidebar, but i cant activate the sidebar on the first shop-site!
    The same settings show me two different sidebars, what make it wrong?
    THX for help

    Look for settings


    Hi Frank!

    Make sure you have sidebars enabled (either left or right) from the main theme options for sidebars on pages.

    Best regards,


    Hi Devin,

    i have enabled in the main settings:
    Sidebar Settings – Sidebar on Pages – “right Sidebar”

    i have enabled on my page “Shop” follow settings:
    Sidebar right – “Kundensidebar”

    BUT IT DOESN’T WORK;-( I can see only the same sidebar who i don’t want and choose!
    In the meantime i have the theme update of version 3.0.1. The same error. The page show me only the wrong sidebar,no matter what I select…

    Page Settings

    Theme Settings



    Can you please create us a WordPress administrator account? post it here as a private reply.


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    Can you please post the link to your website as well?

    Best regards,

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    I added your widgets to Shop Overview Page widget area in Appearance > Widgets and it does show up fine –
    Please review your website


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