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  • #527162

    I was about to publish my site, when suddenly the sidebar started appearing on the bottom of the blog page, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why. Any help would be appreciated!


    Hi alightmedia!

    can you show us on which page, seems that I can not see it?

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the fast reply!

    It is on the link I sent . On all the browsers I try it on, the side bar is not displayed on the side, but rather on the bottom of the page all jumbled up


    i still havent been able to figure this out :( Any additional help would be greatly appreciated !


    I have learned the problem only applies when I am using the advanced layout editor. Any help would be appreciated.



    refuse from bumping into your own thread, as it marks it as “answered” in our system and then we can’t provide you a faster reply.

    This issue is usually caused by a conflict with a plugin, so try to deactivate all of them and check again. Make sure to use newest WordPress and theme version.

    Best regards,

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