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  • #1437820

    Hi there,
    my next questions concerns the sidebar on my blogpost.
    On the shared pics on Imgur (see below) you see the Blog page with the thumbnails of all blogposts. The sidebar on the right hand side contains a customized widget, that I have created and that shows an overview with links to my blogposts.
    BUT: I want this overview to be shown in the sidebar of each single blogpost.
    Yet, this doesn’t word like it works on the Blog page although I’ve put the settings in the same way (see pic).
    What is my mistake resp. how can I make this work?
    Thanks for helping me.


    on Dashboard – Enfold Child – Sidebar Settings – “Sidebar On Blog Page” – and “Sidebar On Single Post Entries”
    make a decision there for your sidebar visibility.


    if you only want to show a custom side bar – see what the custom sidebar is named and put this to your child-theme functions.php:

    – this will activate the sidebar for single post – if you do not like to set it in enfold options – you can use more detailed conditional tags

    function avia_change_layout_for_searchresults($layout, $post_id) {
        if( is_single() ) {
            $layout['current'] = $layout['sidebar_right'];
            $layout['current']['main'] = 'sidebar_right';
        return $layout;
    add_filter('avia_layout_filter', 'avia_change_layout_for_searchresults', 10, 2);
    // next will activate the custom sidebar by its name 
    add_filter("avf_custom_sidebar", function($custom_sidebar) {
        if( is_single() ) {
            $custom_sidebar = "Custom-Sidebar-Name"; 
        return $custom_sidebar;
    }, 10, 1);

    Thank you for the link to your site, the problem is that you are creating your posts with the Advanced Layout Builder with color sections, so the widget area is at the bottom of your page after the last color section. I recommend adding a widget element in a column to show your widget. I did this for you in one of your posts linked below to show how it works:
    Now the wiget shows on the frontend:

    Best regards,


    Hey Mike, that’s awesome! Thank you so much!
    I tried to realize it myself with the other blogposts and I succeeded. For someone who hasn’t much knockledge of WordPress every success is a joy :-).
    The only small question I have now is, why the font of the links on the Blog page is black and the one on the blogposts is red? I guess this is a matter of settings in the theme options?
    Once again, thanks a lot.
    Best regards


    Glad to hear that this helped, an easy way to change the color of your widget items is add this CSS in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field:

    #top.single-post .widget_recent_entries a {
    	color: #444444;

    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    I like the font color to be red so I made the settings to the widget links in the advanced styling area.
    And I applied what I learned from you to the Blog page. I added a widget element in a column to show my widget. Now they all have the same styling :-)
    Thank you very much. I am very delighted.
    Kind regards,



    Great! Glad to know that everything has been sorted out. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions about the theme.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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