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  • #234485


    I have a Page which doesn’t display the sidebar like all the other pages on the site.

    I’ve tried:
    – setting a custom sidebar in the Layout area under the Sidebar setting on the page.
    – adding the desired widgets to the Displayed Everywhere in Appearance > Widgets

    The only difference between this page and the others is that this has a Fullwidth Masonary Gallery content element.

    This is the page I’m referring to.

    I’m running default Enfold on WordPress 3.8.1



    Here is a workaround: edit a page then look for Layout > Sidebar > select “No Sidebar”. Go to Advance Layout Builder then insert a slider. Below, insert a 2/3 and 1/3 column layout. Add the Widget Area element on the 1/3 column layout and add content elements on the 2/3 column.

    Best regards,


    Thanks so much Josue! That worked.

    A pity we can’t use the Fullwidth Masonry Gallery in this instance – the client asked for a grid of images at the bottom of the page. I tried a Gallery element at the bottom, but the images didn’t align nicely by default. I might work on that later by cropping the images uniformly etc.

    Thanks again for your prompt response. Much appreciated.

    Kind regards

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by intrinsicd.
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