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  • #391446

    Hi Team,

    since the last update a sidebar menu appears on mobile devices and iPad when manually or accidently scrolling to the right. You can see it on my webiste: http://www.webigami.de (resize the browser to mobile view an then scroll to the right):

    With this code, you can deactivate it on Smartophones:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){
        #wrap_all {
            position: relative;

    How can I do it on iPads landscape and portrait? And still: Why does it appear all of a sudden??

    Thank you,


    Ich habe es auch!

    https://www.schweizer-rechtsanwalt.com vor allem auf dem Smartphone, Iphone 6



    This will be fixed in the next update. Please use the following code until then:

    #wrap_all { position: relative !important; }

    @WEBIGAMI the code you are using will only affect mobile devices, please remove it and replace with the code above.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Rikard.

    No it works fine, thanks!



    Great! We will keep the thread open for the OP. If you have any other questions or issues, feel free to start a new topic :)


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