Tagged: events calendar, sidebar
I’m using The Events Calendar from Tribe. All is working, but I can’t manage to disable Sidebar.
In Event Calendar Config, I choosed “Default template page”, but I don’t understand what template is used. And why a sidebar appears wich I don’t see anywhere in widget…
Thanx !
I tried to duplicate template-builder.php in template-events.php, and use it in calendar config.
It’s the same file, I’ve just disabled ‘get_sidebar();’ in the php code.
But the calendar don’t appear with my duplicated file…
You can hide the sidebar using this on your Quick CSS:
.events-archive .sidebar.sidebar_right.three.alpha.units {
display: none !important;
Adjust the container size using this:
.events-archive .container .nine.units {
width: 100% !important;
border: none !important;
Thanx it works perfect ;)