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  • #265250

    Hi Team,

    Firstly, this is a fantastic theme and the work you do to keep it up to date and your customers happy is really commendable!

    1. How can I change the colour/size of the fonts
    2. Is it possible thin hairline underneath each heading to separate the menu out?
    3. Is there a plugin that allows users to increase the size of the font (throughout the site) that you could recommend?

    and finally – is there a way to have 2 graphics sitting side by side without using columns or decrease the amount of space surrounding each column. (http://agefriendlyireland.ie/wordpress/) On the homepage I need to be able to move the 2 buttons below the map up slightly but no matter what combination I use I can’t get them lined up properly. Ideally if I could fit the 2 buttons and the map in one column and the text in another it would be perfect.

    Many Thanks for your help


    1. http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/custom-css-and-quick-css/
    You can change all formattings with CSS.
    from the recommended plugin section in this forum: http://wordpress.org/plugins/ultimate-tinymce/
    Gives you more options when working with the editor in wordpress.

    2. Dont understand what exactly you want

    3. Same as number one. Quick / Cusstom CSS applies to the whole site. With CSS you first specify what elements you want to change, and then you difine what you want to change.

    Example for CSS:
    Change the space above the buttons to 0px:

    .post-entry-15 .column-top-margin {
        margin-top: 0px;

    “.post-entry-15” and “.column-top-margin” defines that you target all elements inside post-entry-15 that have the “class” “column-top-margin”.
    With margin-top: 0px, you set the space above the element to 0 pixels.

    Adding the example CSS from above to your site, would move the buttons up like you wanted.

    If you want to change something else, just tell us and we can show you how to do it.

    If you want to learn more about CSS, you can go here: http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp


    Many Thanks for this…

    I’m sorry if I was a bit unclear in my explanation – I want to be able to increase the font/colour of the sidebar menu – I’ll have a play around with the CSS but I’m not very good with coding. Could you supply the coding for the sidebar and I could change the colours/font sizes myself. If there is a charge for this we would be happy to go ahead.

    Also, I need to be able make the width of the sidebar smaller/thinner. I found a post in the forum asking for something similar but when I tried it, it looked fine on my screen but when I checked it on a different computer it had actually gotten wider and filled the majority of the page. I’m not sure what I did wrong…

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1340px) {
    .responsive_large .container .nine.units {
    width: 830px;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) {
    .responsive .container .nine.units {
    width: 720px;
    .container .nine.units {
    width: 630px;

    2. What I mean is I would like to separate each heading in the sidebar with a small line (similar to the sidebar in the wordpress.org site (http://wordpress.org/plugins/)

    Many Thanks for the links on learning more CSS – I will definitely be reading up on this but I really need help in the mean time so any code you could provide would be really helpful.

    Kind Regards


    read: link in “nested_nav” in “sidebar”. ( “a” stands for link)

    .sidebar .nested_nav a {
         color: #0000ff;
         font-size: 18px;

    “:hover” changes the element when you move over it with the mouse.

    .sidebar .nested_nav a:hover {
         color: #9E0A34;

    You can do that with a border:

    .sidebar .nested_nav li {
        border-bottom: thin solid #CCCCCC;

    If you only want lines between the menu items, you can remove the border of the last “li” element.

    .sidebar .nested_nav li:last-child {
        border-bottom: none;

    If you want to get better at CSS the most important things are:
    – cascading of the properties.
    – selectors: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp (first 7 without the * are what you’ll mostly use
    – properties: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/default.asp

    And to make things easier you can use something like the inspect function of your browser (rightclick on an element and then choose something like “inspect element). It will show you where the element is defined in the code and highlights it. This way, you can easily find the ID or class of an element (if the element has it defined).


    And the support does not charge any money for helping out with small things.
    Just when you ask for something to big, they tell you that you have to hire a freelancer developer to do that for you.

    But anything with changing color, size or positioning is no problem at all.



    Thank you for using the theme!

    Is this all fixed? Thanks heaps to @Flikk.



    Thank you Flikk for these – That works perfectly. And thank you for those links!

    Do you have any advice regarding the thickness of the sidebar? Is there a way to make it thinner and keep the responsiveness?

    Many Thanks



    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab and adjust as needed

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1140px) {
    .responsive .container .nine.units {
    width: 830px;



    Thanks Yigit –
    That seems to have worked. I’m going to check it on a few different computers but it looks perfect on my screen.

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