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  • #535766

    I’m not sure what just happened, but now the sidebar is showing below the content of the page (I’m not referring to mobile). See


    Hey robphat!

    It’s displaying on the right side for me. Did you get this sorted? Be sure to clear your cache and plugin cache if you happen to have a caching plugin installed.

    Best regards,



    It appears it happens when using a full width widget in a my layout, which is the vertical menu in the left sidebar. When inserting the full width rev slider, or even the full width button widget, that pushes the right sidebar below the other page content. Then I have to remove all full width elements, resave and refresh for everything to go back to normal.

    Have you seen this issue with enfold before?



    That’s how the sidebar works. It will always display beneath any fullwidth elements in the page. You can use the “Widget Area” element with columns to simulate a sidebar in between fullwidth sections.



    Ah OK thanks.



    Glad you got it short out.
    Please let us know if you need anything else from us!


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