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  • #739409

    i’m using a boxed layout with top header and sidebar is set to the left ( on pages ). But it appears always below the main content instead of the left side like it should.
    Is there any known issue? Using WP + Enfold Child – both latest versions.

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by suppenhuhn.

    Hey suppenhuhn,

    Sidebar usually appears below the content if a full width element like a slider or a color section is used and this is intended. You can instead try using the grid section if that works for your design.

    If you are not using any fullwidth element and still the sidebar shows below the content would you mind providing a precise link to your site, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)

    Best regards,


    Yeah – i figured it out now.
    As soon i insert any layoutelement the sidebar moves down.
    So the main problem is that i’ll try to get 3 teammember-elements in one row…would attach a screenshhot of the actual layout but it’s not possible to attach files here?
    So i’ll try to explain my elements:
    Inside a color-section i have a 1/4 column and a 3/4 column. Inside the 3/4 column i’ll put the 3 teammeber-elements – but i’d like them in a row NOT below each other. How can i do this?



    Sorry for the late reply. If you use a full width element like a Color Section, then the sidebar will display underneath it, could you try to remove the Color Section maybe? You can upload screenshots to a service like google drive or dropbox and then link to them here.

    Best regards,

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