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  • #810907

    I’m using the logo on the left side and the menu above (also left).
    While shrinking, I’m removing the logo with:

    .header-scrolled #header_main>.container {
      display: none;

    After scrolling (shrinking) I like to float the menu to the right side, because I like to insert a small logo at the left side (logo left, menu right).

    I think, it’s possible with CSS, but I can’t find the way :-/


    Hey Ramon,

    Can you share the link to your website please?

    Each option in the Menu and logo position style generates a different HTML code, so this is not easily doable with CSS.

    Have you considered using Logo left, Menu right instead?

    Best regards,


    It’s on localhost.
    I found a own solution for the header, you can close this thread.



    I’m glad you were able to get this fixed. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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