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  • #1331681

    I’m using the Masonry Gallery Element on , if I add stuff to the grid, it only shows the categories and filters of the portfolio items that are currently visble.
    Only after when I press ‘Load ‘More’, it shows all categories.
    Is it possible to show all categories from the start?

    Scrolling through here, I saw that this problem has existed for a while now, have you found a solution for this problem yet?


    Hey emilconsor,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It is possible but clicking on the “empty” sort items will do nothing. It will not automatically load items that are not visible in the current page or items that are not yet loaded. If you want to continue or if you want to display the empty items, try to add this filter in the functions.php file.

    add_filter("avf_masonry_term_args", function($args) {
       $args["hide_empty"] = false;
       return $args;
    }, 10, 1);

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the quick reply. But adding the code didn’t quite do the job.

    Let me describe my issue in more detail:

    I created a couple of portfolio items with 6 different portfolio categories.
    There will only be 8 portfolio items displayed on the masonry-gallery that is used on the page, you can add more by clicking “load more”.
    I also activated the filter option for masonry-galleries. Right now, the portfolio categories depend on the displayed portfolio items. I want all portfolio categories to be shown in the filter at all times. Is there a way to show all portfolio categories without having to click “load more”

    Here you can see examples of what i mean. There are only 4 out of 6 categories shown.
    4 out of 6
    There are only 2 out of 6 categories shown.
    2 out of 6
    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by emilconsor.


    Is there a way to show all portfolio categories without having to click “load more”

    That is not possible, unfortunately. As we mentioned above, the sort category can only filter posts that are already visible in the page. It cannot load or retrieve posts that are not yet loaded. You may need to look for a plugin with the same filter option that can dynamically load or retrieve posts from the database.


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