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  • #1225798

    Hello enfold support,

    we are currently experiencing an error with enfold on our website.
    On the website we are using the “Telephone number or small information text” section in the backend to use a shortcode in addition to normal HTML. The Shortcode is a slider that changes between different phone numbers for different locations.
    The problem is that the shortcode content just doesn’t appear on posts.

    We already checked if the error comes from a plugin or our current WP version, but we couldn’t find anything.
    Do we maybe need to change our enfold settings somewhere or is this just an error within the Theme?
    If you need Backend or FTP access please say so, and we will provide you with an account.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards
    Gerry Zeller


    did you check if a different shortcode works on that f.e.:
    [av_button label='Click me' icon_select='yes' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' link='manually,#' size='small' position='left' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff']
    a little button


    I’m sorry but that shortcode also doesn’t work.
    We already tested multiple shortcodes, and they all didn’t work in the post header.


    is in content f.e. in text editor etc. ?

    try to activate the do_shortcode for widget, content or nav etc ( this to child-theme functions.php )

    add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
    add_filter('the_content', 'do_shortcode');
    add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'do_shortcode');

    That also didn’t work.
    I’ve left the code in the functions.php of the child theme for now.


    what do you mean by post header – what exactly do you do. Where do you insert that shortcode?


    Like I said, we add the shortcode in the “Telephone number or small information text” section in the enfold settings.

    The Shortcode is displayed in the <header> section on every page except for posts.
    Which is as far as I know not right.


    das würde ich nicht als shortcode bezeichnen.
    das ist halt html. Kannst du mal bitte den gesamten code hier einblenden, – bitte nutze den code tag hier , damit ich durch copy&paste den schneller prüfen kann. Am besten wäre sogar ein link zu einer seite wo das funktioniert.
    wo setzt du den code von oben ein. In einem Post ( mit oder ohne Advanced Layout builder? – im Visual mode oder Text mode ?)


    Hier ist der komplette Code mit dem Shortcode drinnen

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    hier ist der Shortcode einzelnd nocheinmal:
    [av_content_slider heading='' columns='1' animation='slide' navigation='no' autoplay='true' interval='4' font_color='custom' color='#ffffff' av-medium-hide='aviaTBav-medium-hide' av-small-hide='aviaTBav-small-hide' av-mini-hide='aviaTBav-mini-hide' av_uid='' custom_class=''][av_content_slide title='0711 / 46 05 89 – 50' link='page,8027' linktarget=''][/av_content_slide][av_content_slide title='0 71 31 / 12 01 45 – 0' link='page,8032' linktarget=''][/av_content_slide][av_content_slide title='0 71 48 / 92 88 99 – 0' link='page,8036' linktarget=''][/av_content_slide][av_content_slide title='0 62 21 / 32 18 86 – 0' link='page,8039' linktarget=''][/av_content_slide][/av_content_slider]

    Zum Vergleichen:
    Page: –> funktioniert.
    Post: –> funktioniert nicht.
    Es ist der Slider neben “Hotline:” im header.

    Ich setze den Code nur in dieses Feld im Backend unter enfold->header->Zusätzliche Elemente->Telefonnummer oder kleiner Infotext.
    Damit wird es automatisch in jeden <header> von jedem Beitrag und Seite gesetzt.
    Auf einzelnen Seiten oder Beiträgen muss ich das nicht hinzufügen.


    Edit: no – could not be the solution – it is the same page.
    Is it reproducable the error? Means on all posts or portfolio pages the slider is not there?

    i think a mod had to login to your backend and see if there is on your constellation a reason why only on posts/portfolios the shortcode is hampered on that field.
    It is not a standard setting – your code works even on posts in my test environment. With or without transparent headers.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.


    Did you set the Performance > Disable Template Builder Elements to the second option (Load only used elements)? The content slider is probably not working in the single post because there are no elements that requires the slideshow.js file. In the home page, there is a post slider or grid, so the required script is loaded.

    You might have to set the performance option to “Always load elements” or manually enqueue the slideshow.js file in the posts.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Best regards,


    i thought to that first – but my guess was that if it is used elsewhere in the whole site – the scripts are loaded. And because of the same site/domain this would mean that the slider scripts are loaded.
    That is one trick i use often when inserting a shortcode to other alb elements f.e.: an icon-list in an accordion slider.
    for those elements i have an extra page which i do not link in my page and excluded from SEO and Search Results. Only for that kind of usage.


    Hi Ismael,

    the performance option is already set to “Always load elements”.
    I already checked all the backend settings that could be the reason for the problem, that are known to me and nothing helped.
    By now we are pretty sure that the error comes from the theme and not a plugin or WordPress itself.
    If you want to look at the website a bit closer, we can give you backend access and/or FTP access.
    Thanks in advance.
    Gerry Zeller



    Thank you for the update.

    Yes, please post the login details in the private field so that we can check the site properly. If there is a staging site, then we would prefer to access that one instead. And FYI, we added the shortcode in a post inside our own installation and the slider worked without issue.

    Best regards,


    we have a staging site, that also has the error.
    Here is the login access.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the update.

    Where can we see the issue again? The content slider is working properly in post page, but the top bar layout is a bit different in the post compare to the home page — the menu items are missing. (see private field)

    Best regards,



    sorry that post doesn’t exit on our staging site.
    You can see that on a post page the slider beside “hotline:” in the header doesn’t load.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the info.

    Looks like you did a lot of modifications in the econsor child theme, but some of it are not valid like copying the functions-enfold.php, config-templatebuilder and the framework folders. You can’t really override those in the child theme. Did you modify all items in the includes folder? You should refrain from moving everything from the parent to the child directory because it makes site maintenance a lot more difficult.

    Unfortunately, we still don’t know why the content slider is not rendering properly in the top header. This might be due to modifications that we are not aware of.

    Best regards,

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