Adding shortcode into Advanced Layerslider
I have added the following code on a new layer of the Layerslider:
[av_font_icon icon='ue845' font='entypo-fontello' style='border' caption='What is Open Floor?' link='manually,#Why' linktarget='' size='35px' position='right' color='#057ccc'][/av_font_icon]
and nothing shows up.
I added it to the HTML/Video/Audio area under content in the layer
Is there something I need to add? It also doesn’t show up in the preview so I wouldn’t even be able to drag it to the correct position.
Hi Imraanio!
Shortcodes are not working inside the layerslider.
Please read here for more informations:
Thanks. I have now resorted to using a color section with icons on a fixed background image