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  • #833895


    I want to insert a Image within a text block (within the advanced layout Editor).
    For Image Insertion I use the “Insert Media” Button within the popup for the Text-Field.
    This works fine and Shows me the result in the text-block overlay.

    But, once I leave the Textblock-Overlay and open the Textblock-Editor by clicking on the Textblock again,
    the Editor Shows the shortcode, instead of the result.

    [caption id="attachment_7223" align="alignright" width="80"] Das ist die Bildunterschrift[/caption]

    Is this the right way to insert an Image, unless to use the enfold media element “Image”?
    The drawback of this Image element is, that the description cannot be placed below!

    Thank you in advance,



    Hey Michael,

    I’m pretty sure that is the default way WordPress handles images in the editor, what exactly do you want to change? Please try to explain a bit further and post a link to where we can see the element.

    Best regards,



    I try to give you some screenshots, that you can see my Problem.

    The goal is it, to give authors the possibility to insert an Image with some sub-title below the Picture.
    Since the Enfold Image Element does not seem to provide some title below the graphic, I have
    inserted the Image with the wordpress own method of the wysiwyg Editor.

    This works fine, but the enfold textblock edit element cannot show the inserted element after re-opening. It Shows the shortcode instead.

    Here are some screenshots:

    I want to get this on frontend:

    This is the enfold textblock element, which Shows the shorcode instead of the final element:

    pure wordpress editor works fine

    Thank you in advance,


    Hi Michael,

    The “Enfold way” shows shortcode on the backend, but on the page does it look right?
    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    yes, on the frontend it looks right.
    The Problem is only, that the inserted shortcode is not shown anymore as element within Enfold Avia editor. In the wordpress Default Editor the shortcode keeps shown as element.

    Best regards,



    That is actually a known issue, but not from Enfold, but WordPress.
    The rendering is because of WordPress.
    If you try other shorcodes also it can happen, on the final rendering as not always something can be rendered properly

    Best regards,

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