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  • #1183059

    Enfold v4.7.2
    PHP v7.3.14
    Difrent browsers IE, Firefox, Chrome and on mobile..

    When customers want to checkout the Cart gets empty its on desktop and mobile but not for everyone.. i did the following.

    – Disabled all plugins that recently got updated >> No result
    – Changed Theme to “twenty twenty” >> checkout cart is working fine

    Ive readed on forum it was before in 4.6.2 but got suposed to be fixed in 4.6.3?

    Only on latest version its on line 457 “remove_all_cookies( keep_cookies );” (can i remove that?)

    #edit i reverted one of the 2 shops to and then its working normal, after upgrading it to 4.7.2 its not posible to checkout and get empty cart notice..

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Mike.

    Hey Mike,

    Please refer to Yigit’s answer on this thread:

    Best regards,


    Hi, my store was always set on “All cookies and services are accepted on first page load, user can opt out” so that was not the problem..

    But it seems that v4.7.3 (yesterday update) fixed the issue


    Hi Mike,

    We’re glad to hear that :)
    Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,

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