I downloaded the theme several times but I don’t get any “shop”page, like in the Demo (right position of the menu). Is there something I missed ? should I install the Woo-Commerce-Plugin first ? thanks for you help !
bets regard, Annie-Claude
Hello AnnieCl!
Yes, you’ll need to install and set up WooCommerce in order to have any ecommerce functionality.
The theme by itself isn’t capable of any online store, it just has support for using WooCommerce and adds in some theme styling to make it look integrated right into the theme.
See: http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/plugins/getting-started-with-woocommerce-initial-setup/ and http://docs.woothemes.com/documentation/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce-user-guide/getting-started/
Thank you Devin. It works. Now I have something to practice during this weekend :)