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  • #1372418

    Hi, I recently added new products to my shop and on the category pages, the images are suddenly square, even though I have set them to a custom size. (2 : 3) The previously loaded images are fine – just the new ones are wrong so the on-page display looks bad. I think it happened after an Enfold update some weeks ago. Page link illustrating this in private content below – scroll down to lower products to see wrong size image. Using latest version of Enfold and WordPress.
    I’ve tried the suggestion given to Anne who has the same issue (see above). I added the lines trough Code Snippets.

    Hopefully you can help.
    Kind Regards, Hajé


    Hey Hajé,
    Thanks for your question but the link to your test product leads to a “page not found” and the login in not admin so we can not see any settings nor any of the product pages, please upgrade the login to admin.
    Also please link to the “Anne” thread that you referred to, I believe this might be the source for this code:
    add_filter( 'avf_wc_before_shop_loop_item_title_img_size', 'avf_wc_before_shop_loop_item_title_img_size_mod', 10, 1 ); function avf_wc_before_shop_loop_item_title_img_size_mod( $thumbnail_size ) {return 'woocommerce_thumbnail'; } that I see at the top of your page on the front end:
    this code should not be showing, so I believe that you have added this to the wrong area, this should be in your child theme functions.php, try moving this if it is not there and regen your thumbnails.
    If this doesn’t help then upgrade the login to admin and let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your reply. Your role has been changed to admin. I’ve deleted the part in the Code-Snippet plug-in. The lines are now only in the functions.php of the Enfold child folder on the FTP.
    But I don’t see any differences.
    Hope you’ll be able to help me.

    Kind Regards, Hajé


    Thank you, I don’t know which thread you were following for the code snippet, but typically as part of the instructions they say to Regenerate Thumbnails after adding the function but I don’t see a Regenerate Thumbnails plugin on your site so I assume that you didn’t do this?
    After you Regenerate Thumbnails try creating a new post to see if the function is working.
    If this doesn’t help, please link to the thread you are following and enable the theme editor so I can check the code in your functions.php.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    The earlier tread I was following was this one, including the advice:
    For now I used the ‘Regenarate thumbnails’ tool that is shown in the private content window.
    I’m not sure if there should be results immediately, for now no change visible.

    Best Regards, Hajé


    I have not seen that Regenarate thumbnails tool before, but the thread doesn’t call to Regenerate thumbnails so perhaps you don’t need to.
    Please enable the theme editor so we can check the code in your functions.php, perhaps you made an error and that is why it doesn’t work?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Can you have a look at the functions.php, details in the next window.

    Kind Regards, Hajé


    Thank you for the FTP login, I checked and it looks ok, so I asked the rest of the team for any further ideas, Thank you for your patience

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Any news from your team? We still have problems with the productimages. I’ve changed back the functions_file on the FTP to the original one and added the code through Code Snippet plugin as you advised Anne, the other user with the same issue. It seemed successful at her side but we haven’t noticed any difference.

    Hope to hear soon,

    Best regards, Hajé



    The product images in the shop catalogue and related products section seem to be displaying in their original aspect ratio now. Did you figure out the issue? (see private field)

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael or collegue,

    On the frontend we found out that the solution worked with the provided source code. And we found out that it worked because of your reply, we didn’t publish a new product because in preview and unpublished it still looked wrong. What is bothering us is that the view of the product image field in the back area (so while working on it) is giving us the wrong image size idea, it still looks like a square image.
    Do you think that can be solved?

    Kind Regards, Hajé


    Are you saying that on the frontend that solution works correctly but in the preview/unpublished it still looks wrong?
    Sometimes WordPress doesn’t display some of the theme elements correctly in preview/unpublished because WordPress doesn’t include the theme files in the preview/unpublished in the same way as it does in the frontend published state. We can’t not correct this because we would need to edit the core WordPress files to do so.

    Best regards,

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