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  • #212786

    Hello ! I was faced with unexplained situation. I ‘m trying to install sharing buttons (facebook, twitter…) to my site: http://vkk-journal.ru/ using the plugin. And they appear everywhere: after post, in the sidebar three times, twice in the footer. It does not depend on the plugin that I use for sharing buttons. I tried sotsializer , addthis and others … The same result: buttons are placed everywhere.
    For example: http://vkk-journal.ru/u-kpk-est-shans-sohranit-pravo-na-sotrudnichestvo-s-bki/
    The ideal option for me is service: http://share.pluso.ru/ For this there is a plugin, but you can also just insert the code.
    I don’t understand, unfortunately, where in single.php I should to insert this code to correctly display buttons.:
    <script type=”text/javascript”>(function() {
    if (window.pluso)if (typeof window.pluso.start == “function”) return;
    if (window.ifpluso==undefined) { window.ifpluso = 1;
    var d = document, s = d.createElement(‘script’), g = ‘getElementsByTagName’;
    s.type = ‘text/javascript’; s.charset=’UTF-8′; s.async = true;
    s.src = (‘https:’ == window.location.protocol ? ‘https’ : ‘http’) + ‘://share.pluso.ru/pluso-like.js’;
    var h=d[g](‘body’)[0];
    <div class=”pluso” data-background=”transparent” data-options=”big,round,line,horizontal,counter,theme=04″ data-services=”facebook,twitter,google,linkedin,vkontakte,odnoklassniki,email,print”></div>

    I would be grateful for your help.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Alisa.

    Hi Alisa!

    Where would you like them to display exactly? Please elaborate so we can tell you which file you should use

    Best regards,



    Below post and tags. Before similar posts.

    Thank you



    Try replacing the contents of single.php by this:

    Tested locally, result:



    Josue, hi!

    Great! Incredibly! I couldn’t do it so long, and you really helped!

    Thank you!


    You are welcome, glad we could help :)


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