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  • #725271

    1. despite the fact i gave the command to show share buttons : facebook, pinterest, twitter, Linked IN,
    it only shows twitter, facebook and google + (but the last one i didnt even check, still it just is displaying out of nowhere).
    2. on the page below the share buttons 3 posts show up out of nowhere. where did i tell them to show themselves?


    Hey jelle,

    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    Login credentials include:

    • The URL to the login screen.
    • A valid username (with full administration capabilities).
    • As well as a password for that username.
    • permission to deactivate plugins if necessary.

    Best regards,


    see below



    I noticed that you are using a caching plugin. Would you mind opening your plugin’s settings page and temporarily deactivate the caching of your site? Then please try to clear your browser cache and hard refresh the site (Hold CTRL + SHIFT + RELOAD) to see if that solves the issue.

    Best regards,


    no , didnt work. at the end i ve decided to make the share buttons inactive, show they dont show at all.
    on the same page by the way, at the bottom, 3 posts are shown (intros). but where do they come from, where can i decide to NOT show those 3?



    about which 3 posts are you talking about? I can’t find them. Please provide us screenshots (, dropbox).

    Best regards,


    hello andy



    go to Enfold->Blog Layout->Single Post Options->Related Entries
    and make your settings there.

    Best regards,


    hi andy, sorry, but i doesnt work.
    seems ot be something strange with this page, as the share buttons acted their own way as well…



    I noticed that you are using a caching plugin. Would you mind opening your plugin’s settings page and temporarily deactivate the caching of your site? Then please try to clear your browser cache and hard refresh the site (Hold CTRL + SHIFT + RELOAD) to see if that solves the issue.

    Also update theme to the newest version.

    Best regards,


    thanks ,
    1. yes, you mentioned this before but it doesnt work either.
    if you want , you can have a look yourself.

    2. somewhat later: ve tested my browser clearing and it works directly whenever i make a change. so, the cahcing is not the problem.
    also on this page, see (2), i told the system to NOT show related articles. still…. it does…

    also i dont know where the share bar is coming from, see image “two_problems.jpg”

    3. this is the homepage of the site. as i dont see an option to show the facebook sharebutton here/in the basic options (is tit only for posts? not for pages?) is there a shortcode i could use an paste it it the text?

    4. using the search field some search results are being displayed. but they are not clickable! how can?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by yampieters.


    this is getting very confusing here. Please use different tickets for different questions/issues in the future.

    Are we allowed to deactivate any caching plugin, as well as all your other plugins for testing purposes?

    Best regards,


    hello andy, ok , ill maken different tickets.

    yes, you are allowed to do so!



    1.) I checked link in question and this post is creates using ALB. When used ALB for your blogposts then you’re going to lose all WP default settings. So basically you need to build everything from scratch.

    Best regards,


    ok , thanks.

    let me get this straight: as soon as i use the Avia Layout Builder. creating posts i will lose all WP default settings. is that right?

    does this count for pages as well?

    and is this implying that when i want for example use the share facebook button i can not use the Advanced Layout Builder/Avia Layout Builder ? (to keep it clear: Avia Layout Builder and Advanced Layout Builder are the same, arent they?)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by yampieters.


    the are the same, right.

    This only happens on blogposts. Yes, you’ll lose any WP default settings and need to create everything from scratch when using ALB on blogposts. On the other site you’ve got all the freedom to do everything what you want, any layout you want, etc. So only activate ALB on blogposts if you really want to do everything from scratch and want to have full control this way.

    Best regards,

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