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  • #753421

    For along time now I have used Javascript to obfuscate email address – so they can’t be read by spambots.

    <a href="javascript:window.location.href ='mailto:'+['name',''].join('@')+'?subject='+'Email Subject'">Click to email</a>

    More recently on Enfolds the JS had to be placed in side an AVIA [av_codeblock] [/av_codeblock]

    [av_codeblock wrapper_element='' wrapper_element_attributes='' escape_html='' deactivate_shortcode='' deactivate_wrapper='']<a href="javascript:window.location.href ='mailto:'+['name',''].join('@')+'?subject='+'Email Subject'">Click to email</a>[/av_codeblock]

    As this is a [shortcode] I would then copy this short code to include as an inline element.

    <li>P:  00 0000 0000</li>
    <li>M: 0000 000 000</li>
    <li>E: [av_codeblock wrapper_element='' wrapper_element_attributes='' escape_html='' deactivate_shortcode='' deactivate_wrapper='']<a href="javascript:window.location.href ='mailto:'+['name',''].join('@')+'?subject='+'Email Subject'">Click to email</a>[/av_codeblock]</li>

    However I noticed that every time the AVIA layout element was loaded and edited and updated the [Shortcode] and JS would disappear.

    I got fed up and asked our programmers to write this nice little [Shortcode]

    Please add the following in your child-theme functions.php file.
    Set your default values:
    ’email’ => (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘,
    ‘subject’ => ‘Email Website Enquiry’,
    ‘text’ => ‘Click to email’,
    ‘class’ => ”
    On your page where you want insert and email address add the shortcode:

    EXAMPLE 1: custom email address with default values for the other shortcodes variables

    [obfuscate_email email=" (Email address hidden if logged out) " ]

    EXAMPLE 2: Fully custom to override default values.

    [obfuscate_email email=" (Email address hidden if logged out) " subject="Website - John Smith - Email Enquiry" text=" Email John Smith"]

    You can add class=”” to the shortcode to add your own custom CSS class.

    [obfuscate_email email=" (Email address hidden if logged out) " subject="Website - John Smith - Email Enquiry" text=" Email John Smith" class="custom_class"]

    now watch the magic happen!

    	SHORTCODE  - obfuscate email
    	[obfuscate_email email=" (Email address hidden if logged out) " subject="Test Subject" text="Click to Email" class="custom_class"]
    function obfuscate_email_shortcode( $atts ){
    //default values
        extract( shortcode_atts([
            'email' => ' (Email address hidden if logged out) ',
            'subject' => 'Email Website Enquiry',
            'text' => 'Click to email',
            'class' => ''        
        ], $atts ) );
    //split the email address so it can't be read by spam bots
        $email_parts = explode( '@', $email, 2 );
    //recreate the js url
        $url = sprintf(
            "javascript:window.location.href='mailto:' + [ '%s', '%s' ].join('@') + '?subject=%s'",
    //print to screen
        return sprintf(
            '<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>',
    add_shortcode( 'obfuscate_email', 'obfuscate_email_shortcode' );

    Please Share!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by HuxburyQuinn. Reason: code sections didn't look right on screen

    Hey HuxburyQuinn,

    Thank you for sharing your solution, we really appreciate it!
    I’m sure it will also help others who are trying to achieve the same :)

    Best regards,


    How to include a Body with multiple lines in a mailto: link

    Replace the //default values code section with the code below:

    //default values
        extract( shortcode_atts([
            'email' => ' (Email address hidden if logged out) ',
            'subject' => 'Website Email Enquiry',
            'text' => 'Email Us',
            'body' => '',
            'class' => 'custom_class'        
        ], $atts ) );

    Then replace the sprintf output with the following:

    $url = sprintf(
            "javascript:window.location.href='mailto:' + [ '%s', '%s' ].join('@') + '?subject=%s&body=%s'",
            str_replace( '<br />', '%250D%250A', $body )

    Stackoverflow – insert a line break in mailto body
    \r\n and %0D%0A within the shortcode body=”line 1 example\r\nline 2 example” OR body=”line 1 example%0D%0Aline 2 example” did not work within the shortcode and in modern email applications.

    After troubleshooting for 3 hours – I worked out that urlencode($body) honoured line returns. However the body output had replaced spaces with a plus’s ‘+’.

    Not very readable.

    So in the updated code we search for <br /> in the body content and replace %0D%0A with the urlencode format %250D%250A to maintain the line returns.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by HuxburyQuinn.

    Hi HuxburyQuinn,

    Thanks for sharing, much appreciated :-)

    Best regards,



    PHP extract() function is being depreciated – so I have updated the code below

    	SHORTCODE  - obfuscate email
    	[obfuscate_email email=" (Email address hidden if logged out) " subject="Test Subject" body="Message with line returns
    	line 2
    	line 3" text="Click to Email" class="custom_class"]
    function obfuscate_email_shortcode( $atts ){
    //default values
    	$atts = shortcode_atts([
    		'email' => ' (Email address hidden if logged out) ',
    		'subject' => 'Website Email Enquiry',
    		'text' => 'Email Us',
    		'body' => '',
    		'class' => 'email_hide'
    	], $atts );
    //split the email address so it can't be read by spam bots
    	$email_parts = explode( '@', $atts['email'], 2 );
    //recreate the js url
    	$url = sprintf(
    		"javascript:window.location.href='mailto:' + [ '%s', '%s' ].join('@') + '?subject=%s&body=%s'",
    		str_replace( '<br />', '%250D%250A', $atts['body'] )
    //print to screen
    	return sprintf(
    		'<a href="%s" class="%s">%s</a>',
    add_shortcode( 'obfuscate_email', 'obfuscate_email_shortcode' );


    Thanks for sharing this solution. It would really be helpful to other enfold users who needs to obfuscate email address :)

    Best regards,

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