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  • #1154928

    my customer can’t edit posts on her Mac machine (latest OS, latest Firefox). The editor won’t load the WordPress editor JS .We use the latest Enfold theme, the latest WordPress (no Classic Editor plugin installed). We have no problems on Mac + Safari or on Windows 7 + Firefox. Please see the attached screenshot. Cache was cleared, of course.
    Do you have any ideas?

    In plain words:

    onmozfullscreenchange sollte nicht mehr verwendet werden. components.min.js:12:80764
    onmozfullscreenerror sollte nicht mehr verwendet werden. components.min.js:12:80764
    Diese Website verwendet anscheinend einen scroll-verknüpften Positionierungseffekt. Dies könnte mit asynchronem Verschieben (Panning) schlecht zusammenspielen; siehe für weitere Details und nehmen Sie an der Diskussion über damit verbundene Werkzeuge und Funktionen teil! post.php
    Laden fehlgeschlagen für das <script> mit der Quelle “;. post.php:1:1
    Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys util.js:231:27


    Hey DFME,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Can you please install a plugin called ” Classic Editor ” and check this if it fixes the issue?

    Best regards,


    I’ve already tried this. Didn’t fix the problem.


    Hi DFME,

    Which version of php are you running?

    Best regards,


    the site is running on PHP 7.3.
    Thanks, Mike


    Hi DFME,

    I am getting the connection reset a few times.

    Please disable Wordfence and see if the issue persists.

    Best regards,


    Disabling Wordfence made things even worse. The editor stayed in loading mode. That means, the loading indicator was spinning forever, and no content was loaded even in Mac + Safari and Win 7 + Chrome. My customer is not amused. Any ideas?

    Best, Mike


    For test purposes, I deactivated all plugins but the most important ones. No luck, the editor is still not working on Mac + Firefox. Safari seems to be problem, too.
    Do you have an Apple machine for testing? I don’t have any problems running on Win 7.


    I asked the customer to install Chrome on her Mac.Still no luck. The editor is dead on Firefox, Safari and Chrome.


    Hi DFME,

    The Advanced Layout Builder loaded on my end.

    Can you please have Appearance > Editor enabled for now, please? I need to check the child theme.

    Best regards,


    at least, this is much better than what my customer sees.
    I’ve enabled the theme editor. Feel free to do whatever you need.


    Hi Mike,

    You can hide the Editor now again. Thanks.

    Best regards,


    By the way, my customer’s machine is running on Mojave OS.


    Any news on this topic? My customer is not able to edit any content on her site, and she is not amused.

    Thanks, Mike



    Sorry for the delay. The dashboard is not loading properly on our end — all we see is text without styling. Can you give us access to the file server so that we see what’s going on?


    Best regards,


    No problems whatsoever on my Windows 7 + any browser. Please see private content for the FTP credentials.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by DFME.


    Thank you for the update.

    The dashboard is loading properly now and we are able to edit the posts without encountering any issues. It doesn’t seem to work when WP_DEBUG is set to false or when it’s disabled. We left it enabled for now. Please ask your client to check it again — make sure that the browser cache is removed. We’ll ask the rest of the team to check it on Mac.

    Best regards,


    unfortunately, I can’t confirm that. We tested it, and it worked. Then, I reactivated Wordfence and the Cache Plugin. It still worked. Then a disabled wp_debug, and the editor did not worked. I enabled wp_debug again, but the problems are still there. We cleared the cache and I even asked the client to shut down her computer. However, it would not a solution anyway. I don’t want to run a site with debugging enabled. What now? I know, it’s a weird situation. I can’t see any of theses problems on my machine. But the client is pretty pissed, and I understand her.


    Hi DFME,

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,
    what now? While I totally understand that this is a tricky issue for you, I’ll have to find a solution for my customer. She is simply not able to edit anything. Even IF Wordfence would be the problem, should I disable one of the most popular plugins?



    Well if it creates issues speak with them they will be happy to get a solution yes,

    Best regards,

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