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  • #570837

    Hi there,

    I want to first say thank you to everyone in your team for the amazing theme and outstanding support I have received. You guys really are the best :)

    Now that the site I was working on in almost ready, I have come across a few small issues that I was wondering if I can get some help in solving. They;re listed below and I’m adding the login details to the private area as the site is not live yet.

    1. Home page : How can I keep the title and excerpt of the accordion slider on desktop, but remove only the excerpt from tablet and mobile view?

    2. Home page: I’ve added a Recent Posts element to the home page, and removed the categories and date from individual blog posts, but the categories still show on the Recent posts. And this looks really bad on tablet and mobile. Any way the categories can be completely removed from everywhere the blog posts appear?

    3. Home page: There is a laptop image next to the testimonials – Is there any way to remove this on tablet and mobile?

    4. Home page: I’ve added a logo carousel on the home page that seems to not be responsive and there is added padding under the logos, making it seem like they are not centered – Any way this can be fixed?

    5. Tools/Media/Banners: I’ve added some script to add HTML5 banners as a showcase to the page, but these are not responsive on tablet and mobile. Any idea why, since they are HTML5 banners, they should be responsive

    6. Brands and commissions: I’m using a portfolio on these two pages, and on tablet view there is added extra space on the right, which makes it seem really strange

    7. Media: I’ve added 3 images with links to other pages, that dont show up on iPads. Any idea what could be the cause?

    And lastly, on the FAQs page, I’ve added some anchor links, that look really off on mobile and it doesnt seem like they are responsive.

    Any help on this would be extremely appreciated, and again, thanks for all your support and a fantastic theme!!!

    All the best


    Hey Viuliloush!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    If possible, please separate each question on a single thread.

    1.) Use this in the Quick CSS field:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989) {
    .aviaccordion-preview-title-wrap {
        display: none !important;

    2.) Use this:

    .blog-categories {
    display: none;

    3.) Turn on the custom css class then use the selector in the Quick CSS field:

    4.) Please provide a screenshot.

    5.) Did you use a plugin? Could you please provide a screenshot of the issue?

    6.) The portfolio grid looks ok on chrome. I don’t see the gap in the right side of the portfolio container.

    7.) The sub menus of the Media menu item show on mobile menu when I check it.



    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks a lot for your reply. I managed to resolve 1 and 2, but here’s the rest. 6 and 7 also seem to have been solved somehow, although it was like that during the whole time I worked on the site.

    3. I did, and added this code, but the image still shows up an both mobile and tablet

    @media only screen and (max-width: 800) {
    .lv_laptopimagehome.avia_image { display: none !important; }

    4. This happens only on tablets. Here’s the link to the screenshot:

    5. No, I didn’t use a plugin for this. Simply added the script to the text editor.

    Thanks so much for your help



    3.) Use this for the laptop image:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 989px) {
    .lv_laptopimagehome {
        display: none !important;

    4.) Add this in the Quick CSS field:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .avia-content-slider-odd .slide-entry.first {
        margin-left: 0;
        width: 100%;
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .avia-content-slider-even .slide-entry.slide-parity-odd, .responsive #top #wrap_all .avia-content-slider-odd .slide-entry.slide-parity-even {
        margin: 0;
        clear: both;
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .slide-entry {
        width: 48%;
        margin-left: 4%;

    5.) Looks like they are added as frames. Unfortunately, we can’t modify that on our side. You have to contact the script author.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Unfortunately the code you gave me didn’t help for either the image nor the logo carousel. Any other ideas?


    HI Ismael,

    I just noticed something – in my original post, i mentioned that the portfolio items have blank space on the right. This has been solved (I assume by you?), but now the whole layout of the site is more narrow, bringing the elements to the center and the menu items and logo are overlapping, regardless of resolution.

    Could you please look into this, as this wasn’t happening until a couple of days ago.

    Thanks for your support

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Viuliloush.


    Please remove browser cache or hard refresh before checking the page. You might be looking on a cached version of the site.



    I did all those things already, and tried it on several computers, and the same thing happens.

    The menu is really vital, as we will be launching on Monday, and I need to get it fixed. I’ve also tried playing with the width of the container and the menu location from the theme options, but for some reason on desktop the menu it’s responsive (including the logo).

    Could you please look into this for me as I’m going a bit crazy :)

    Also, i noticed on the FAQs page, I’ve added some anchor text in two side by side columns, but these look funny on mobile. If you could help me with this too it will be greatly appreciated.

    The menu however is more urgent, please please let me know how to fix it :)

    Thanks very much for your help



    What’s the issue with the menu again? It’s not included in the list. Regarding the FAQ page, please turn on the custom css class then set the text alignment of the text block to center on mobile devices.

    If you can provide the login details, we’ll check the other issues.

    UPDATE: I got the admin details. We’ll check the other issues.

    Best regards,



    4.) We fixed the logo slider gap on mobile view. The color section is set to have a minimum height of 100px, that’s why you see a whitespace below the logo images.

    5.) We also set the text alignment of the faq anchors to center on mobile view.

    6.) Please provide more info regarding the menu items because it is not included on the previous list of issues.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks so very much for all your help, I really really appreciate it :)

    One of your colleagues helped me with the menu issue, as I opened another thread for it

    Thanks again :)



    Great! Glad we could help. :)

    Best regards,

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